MAG Continues Bomb Clearance in Vietnam Central Province

Representatives of Mines Advisory Group (MAG) from the UK agreed on May 18 to continue their mine and bomb clearance program in central Quang Tri Province. Their work will continue under a new memorandum signed by provincial authorities on May 18. Following this, MAG will form 15 teams of experts and five other teams of supporters to find and defuse unexploded bombs around the locality. The new $10 million program runs for three years and is funded by the U.S. Department of State. MAG has worked in the province for a number of years and helped clear many bombs from the war time. Quang Tri was hit hardest in the country by American bombs. An area of 3866 sq kilometers, or 83% of the natural area, was embedded with bombs. The high%age of explosives also accounts for the large number people who have been made disabled due to exploding mines. Some 80% of those with disabilities in the country live in this province. (Vietnam News May 19)