CG Meetings 2008

2008 End-Year Consultative Group Meeting
The End-Year Consultative Group Meeting was held on December 4-5, 2008 in Hanoi.
The focus of this meeting was on the following topics:

  1. Socio-economic situation
  2. Harmonisation & Aid Effectiveness
  3. Governance & Institutional Reform
  4. Climate Change 

The 2008 INGO Statement for the CG Meeting was compiled over November-December 2008 through a consultative process involving VUFO-NGO Resource Centre members and other stakeholders.

Other INGO documents shared at the CG Meeting

2008 Mid-term Consultative Group Meeting
The Mid-term Consultative Group Meeting was held on June 5-6, 2008 at Sapa.
The focus of this meeting was on the following topics:

  1. Recent Socio-Economic Developments: macro-economic developments, revised plan priorities and impacts on poor and disadvantaged people;
  2. Report from Vietnam Business Forum (VBF);
  3. Report back on Anti-corruption dialogue;
  4. Climate change issues: National Action Plan and coordination across government agencies; and
  5. Northern mountains provincial development and aid effectiveness: Ethnic minorities, local participation and decentralisation, effectiveness of aid delivery mechanisms.

INGO interventions for the CG Meeting have already been compiled over April-May through a consultative process invloving NGO RC members and other stakeholders.
For more information on INGO participation in the event, please visit or contact [email protected].