[Ict4devwg] The future of ICT in education in Vietnam - panel study

Jef Peeraer jp.vvobvn at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 13:21:55 ICT 2013

/In 2012 a group of key players in the field of ICT in education in 
Vietnam from the public and private sector as well as development 
partners, participated in a panel study on "The Future of ICT in 
Education in Vietnam"./


/In three survey rounds they were encouraged to envision how education 
would look like by 2020 and the role of ICT therein, and to share their 
opinion on what to target for./


/The final report on this study can be found on the website of VVOB 

/In the report we describe in detail the methodology of this study, we 
share the main findings of the different survey rounds and we conclude 
and discuss how to move ahead with ICT in education in Vietnam.

Jef Peeraer
Programme Advisor VVOB Vietnam
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