[Ngo-emwg] Application for Chevening Scholarship Open

Marko Lovrekovic director at ngocentre.org.vn
Mon Oct 28 15:00:04 ICT 2013

--- on behalf of UK Aid and the British Embassy in Hanoi ---

To Whom It May Concern:

The 2014-2015 UK Government Chevening Scholarship, which covers the cost 
of one year postgraduate study in the UK, is now open for on-line 
applications until 15 November 2013.

The full Chevening scholarship covers the cost of tuition fees up to 
£12,000, accommodation, a monthly living allowance, return air ticket, 
and a UK visa. The Chevening scheme is much more than a scholarship. We 
are looking for the future leaders, people who will hold a position of 
considerable influence in the future and will help to increase relations 
between the UK and Vietnam. We are looking for bright, innovative and 
creative individuals. Competition is tough and the standard is very high 
but if you feel you have something to offer the relationship between 
Vietnam and the UK, please do apply. Please note no applications will be 
accepted after the deadline.

The British Embassy is committed to a policy of equality of opportunity 
and encourages applications for Chevening scholarships from candidates 
who reflect the full diversity of Vietnamese society. The Embassy 
welcomes applications from all provinces of Vietnam, including 
candidates from ethnic minority groups and people with disabilities. We 
will offer support for individuals with specific needs through the 
application process and, if successful, beyond. Applications are welcome 
from people who work in either the public or private sector.

Since 1993, the Chevening scholarship programme in Vietnam, funded by 
the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and co-sponsors, has allowed 
almost 300 Vietnamese nationals to study in the UK. Further information 
on how to apply for the Chevening programme in Vietnam is available on 
the Chevening website here:


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