[Vcbtn] Hanoi Green Drinks on Oct 11

Hong Dao daothuhong1010 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 15:46:40 ICT 2011

Dear members and guests

Winter is coming, why not gather in a warm coffee shop and network with
green-minded people!

Hanoi Green Drinks on *Tuesday, Oct 11* will be held at Joma Bakery 22A Ly
Quoc Su on the topic: *GENDER & NATURAL DISASTERS

*Wondering who will be the speakers? Of course, *UN Women* and *Vietnam
Women's Union*.
*Let's come early, *grab one drink* at the bar and join us! Remember to
bring your name cards!*
Hope to see you!



**PS: We would highly appreciate if you could confirm your participation by
replying this email so that we could arrange the seats. Thank you!**

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