
Consultancy group on conducting provincial capacity building needs on community-based disaster risk management (CBDRM)

Winrock International is recruiting applicants for the Consultancy group on conducting provincial capacity building needs on community-based disaster risk management (CBDRM)

to work for USAID Climate Resilient Agriculture in the Mekong Delta project. For more details, please see the vacancy announcement attached.


Interested candidates with appropriate qualifications and experience should send the following materials to the address [email protected] with subject of “Your full name/ company name – Conduct provincial capacity building needs on CBDRM for CRM” no later than 24 January 2025:

  • A letter of interest (1-2 pages, no more than 2 pages), introducing the consultant team, and a general workplan to address the key research questions outlined in the Scope of Work, clearly identifying which role each consultant would expect to serve.
  • CVs in English of all team members.


We would like to thank all applicants for their interest but only candidates who meet the requisite criteria and are shortlisted will be contacted.

   Job Details  
Winrock International
Application deadline:
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