
Consultancy: Baseline Study for the “Women & Circular Economy” project


Consultancy: Baseline Study for the “Women & Circular Economy” project

Deadline: 9 March 2025 (Vietnam time)


  1. Background information

The “Enabling women in Central of Vietnam to improve their lives and protect the environment and natural resources by applying green and circular economy” project (in short, “Women & Circular Economy” project) will contribute to increasing the participation of women in Da Nang city and Quang Nam province in the green and circular economy. By creating a comprehensive environment for women to understand about the green and circular economy, as well as equipping them with a capacity-building programme and also a sustainable funding mechanism, women will not only improve their access to decent jobs in this field to gain income, but also get encouraged to develop their entrepreneur to improve their role in the areas.

This project is implemented by GreenViet Biodiversity Conservation Centre (GreenViet, Vietnam) – the lead, Visible Impact (Germany), and Centre for Social Research and Development (CSRD, Vietnam). The project is funded by the Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam.

Currently, GreenViet is seeking for local experts or a team of experts to conduct a rigorous baseline study for the project in Vietnam. The study methodology should be replicable to use for the mid-term and final evaluation of the project. The baseline also acts as part of the integral learning objective of the final evaluation.

  1. Project Description

Overall objective

Capacity building for women in applying green and circular economy to contribute to economic improvement, environmental protection and natural resources.

Specific objectives

The specific objectives of the project are:

  • 300 women in three communes Hoa Bac, Hoa Vang District, and Tho Quang, Son Tra District, Da Nang City, and Tu Commune, Dong Giang District, Quang Nam Province will have decent jobs with local businesses through the implementation of green economy/circular economy. Their income will increase by at least 30% by the end of project;
  • 70% of local people and authorities of 23,500 people who live in Hoa Bac, Tu, and Tho Quang communes are aware of/communicated about the green/circular economy and its role in protecting natural resources, and forest biodiversity by the end of the project;
  • A sustainable funding mechanism is established to support women-led projects in the green/circular economy is established and run in the project areas by the end of the project.

Project duration

48 months, 1 January 2025 – 31 December 2028

Target groups

  • Women affiliated with the Women’s Unions and Youth Unions, situated in three communes within Da Nang City and Quang Nam province: Hoa Bac commune, Tho Quang ward, and Tu commune; especially ethnic women
  • Hoa Bac eco-agricultural and community-based tourism cooperatives (Hoa Vang District, Da Nang City)
  • A group of women growing tea and cinnamon in Tu commune, Dong Giang district, Quang Nam province
  • A group of women processing seafood in Tho Quang ward, Son Tra District, Da Nang City
  • Business Women’s Associations in Da Nang City and Quang Nam province
  • Local people and authorities who live in Hoa Bac commune and Tho Quang ward (Da Nang city) and Tu commune (Quang Nam province)

Country covered


Target location

Da Nang City and Quang Nam province

Project beneficiaries

  • Women affiliated with the Women’s Unions and Youth Unions, situated in three communes within Da Nang City and Quang Nam province: Hoa Bac commune, Tho Quang ward, and Tu commune; especially ethnic women
  • Hoa Bac eco-agricultural and community-based tourism cooperatives (Hoa Vang District, Da Nang City)
  • A group of women growing tea and cinnamon in Tu commune, Dong Giang district, Quang Nam province
  • A group of women processing seafood in Tho Quang ward, Son Tra District, Da Nang City
  • Local people and authorities who live in Hoa Bac commune and Tho Quang ward (Da Nang city) and Tu commune (Quang Nam province)

Expected results

  1. 300 women in Hoa Bac, Tu commune, and Tho Quang will be trained on green/circular economy;
  2. 90 women from project site will receive Assess Base Community development (ABCD) training to help them discover their asset for green/circular economy;
  3. Women-led Hoa Bac eco-agricultural and community-based tourism cooperatives will be equipped with the necessary skills to run their businesses in the direction of a green/circular economy, ultimately increasing income for 115 women by 30%;
  4. 135 Co Tu ethnic women in the Tu commune will be given rights to own and take charge of the agriculture production process in the direction of a green/circular economy, leading to a 30% increase in their income by the end of the project
  5. 50 women in Tho Quang ward will secure decent jobs with a 30% increase in income, while also expanding their network and market to promote and sell products produced in the green/circular economy
  6. 02 business initiatives on the green/circular economy in Da Nang and Quang Nam province will receive financial and technical support to run their startups
  7. Local Commune Funds will be established to mobilise and secure two billion VND for green/circular economic initiatives in the regions.


  1. Purpose of the baseline study

The purpose of the assignment is to carry out a study in targeted locations in Da Nang city and Quang Nam province to establish baseline against all indicators given in the project Log-frame[1]. The study will establish the baseline for the project´s key indicators and constitute the basis to measure the project performance in the two provinces. Even though the baseline study is intended primarily to facilitate the project monitoring and evaluation, it will also be used as an evidence-based lobbying and advocacy tool. Furthermore, the baseline study should test if the identified geographic and demographic scope of the study by the contractor is sufficient in order to create additional indicators for the learning and development of the project.

This baseline study is also expected to propose necessary modifications/adjustments to the project’s Log-frame. Moreover, the baseline study is encouraged to identify relevant best practices and lessons learnt in the regions.


  1. Scope of work and methodology

The consultants are required to design, plan, carry out and present the project’s baseline study for results at all levels, project effectiveness and sustainability. The study is to be conducted in the target areas of Da Nang city and Quang Nam province (Vietnam) as defined under 2) based on a replicable sampling approach. This sampling has to be documented by the external consultants. The consultants are required to review and orient themselves in the referring programme documents and the project’s results framework.

The baseline study should adopt a mixed methods approach, integrating quantitative and qualitative methods to ensure that data collected is triangulated and can be communicated, explained and contextualised. It is expected that the consultants will combine the methodological approach by using a minimum of qualitative questionnaires with semi-structured interviews.

Contrary to the usual practice in baselines of fixed designs that are implemented as planned, this design can change as an innovation unfolds and changes during the work. The used surveys and interviews may have their questions from one respondent to the next changed, discarding items that have revealed little of value or are no longer relevant, and adding items that address new issues. The sample can be emergent as new participants or sites emerge, and others are abandoned. But most important hereby, is that the reasons for this agile and flexible approach are clearly mentioned and documented in a coherent, consistent and transparent way.

The consultants are encouraged to use innovative methods to collect and analyse data. Document and desk review should complement the collection of data and primary information sources. The sample size (# of communities, # of stakeholders, etc.) will be determined in collaboration with GreenViet and Visible Impact to provide a fair and statistically relevant representation of the project beneficiaries and stakeholders. All relevant information shall be collected from across specified beneficiaries, partners and stakeholders as well as at sector level in the targeted value chains.

The study will also collect available local level secondary data to compare with the primary data. Thus, the study should include secondary and document analysis (media analysis included), qualitative key informant interviews, focused-group discussions and a standardised online/on-site survey as a stakeholder analysis. Final selection of the criteria regarding the definition of specific indicators in the results framework should be discussed and designed in collaboration with GreenViet and Visible Impact.

The consultant will develop the detailed methodology in consultation with the project team.

All raw data obtained during this process are in the possession of the GreenViet and Visible Impact.


  1. Deliverables

The following deliverables are expected from the consultant:

  • Inception report:

The consultant shall submit an inception report after signing of the agreement detailing the study methods, tools and work plan. The report also should comprise of (1) Guidelines for in-depth interviews/focus-group discussions, (2) standardised questionnaires for the online/on-site survey(s), (3) a consent form, (4) List of proposed interviewee groups. The inception report can be in Vietnamese or English.

  • Draft baseline report should deliver the following points (can be in Vietnamese or English):
  • Summarising the methodology of the study and specifying any limitations/complications and changes to the initial design;
  • Collect and analyse the data resulting in a presentation of baseline values for all project indicators at all results levels;
  • Recommendations for adjustments to the project’s Log-frame;
  • Conclusions and recommendations to ensure the project success.
  • Final baseline report in English and Vietnamese should consider and adapt the feedback of the project team and partners for the draft report.
  • A presentation (10 minutes) of the survey findings.
  • Baseline database includes all primary data collected, such as survey data (in Excel or similar), transcripts or notes of the focused group discussions, interviews, photographs (if any), videos (if any) and all the corresponding consent forms.


  1. Expected timeframe

The baseline study is estimated to be undertaken right after the contract is signed.



Estimated deadline


Finalise and publish the Baseline TOR

23 February 2025


Select the external consultant/consultancy team and sign contract

10 March 2025


Inception phase, including kick-off meeting, submitting the inception report and inception meeting

20 March 2025


Fieldwork in the 3 project areas in Da Nang city and Quang Nam province* (data collection and analysis included)

Note: The fieldwork can only start after the inception report is approved by the project.

1 April 2025


Deliver baseline database to the project team (excel files)

1 May 2025


Draft baseline report

15 May 2025


Feedback from the project team for the baseline report draft

25 May 2025


Final baseline report (in Vietnamese and English)

15 June 2025

* The field work in Tu Commune, Dong Giang District, Quang Nam province is subject to the local authority’s project approval. Thus, this field work might take at a later stage.

  1. Consultant expertise requirements

Applicants may be individuals or teams of consultants.

The consultant/consultancy team should meet the following criteria:

  • Relevant degree(s) in social sciences or development studies
  • Proven strong experience with and knowledge of participatory qualitative and quantitative research methods and sampling strategies (at least 3 years of experiences)
  • Proven strong experience in conducting baseline studies
  • Sound knowledge and experience in employing a mix-methods approach
  • Experience in working with local women, especially ethnic women, is a big asset.
  • Excellent communication and written skills in English and Vietnamese
  • Proven capacity to present data concisely and clearly
  • Disclosure of conflict of interest


  1. Budget & Payment

The consultant should submit the total budget in the proposal with detail breakdown including applicable government taxes.

The proposed budget for the consultancy should include all relevant costs, such as professional fees, travel, local transport, accommodation, etc.). The maximum budget for the work is 5.520€ (five thousand five hundred twenty Euro), including all costs and taxes.


  1. Deadline and submission of expression of interest (EoI)

GreenViet invites interested consultants/consultancy teams to submit the following EoI documents by 9 March 2025 (Vietnam time):

  • Expression of interest outlining how the consultant(s) meets the selection criteria and their understanding of the ToR (max. 1 page)
  • Financial proposal
  • CV(s) of the consultant or all consultancy team members
  • At least 1 example of similar pieces of work completed recently

The EoI shall be sent to [email protected] and [email protected] with “Women and Circular Economy – Baseline study proposal” as the email subject.

Any questions to the study should be directed to [email protected].


  1. Selection Criteria
  • Proposed methodology
  • Relevant experience
  • Financial offer with breakdowns per unit
  • Sample of the previous relevant assignment


  1. Use of the evaluation
  • Implementing organisations, project team and partners
  • The donor (the EU)
  • Part of the baseline report might be published to share relevant lessons learnt, best practice, and recommendations.


  1. Ethical standards and Intellectual Property

The consultant(s) should take all reasonable steps to ensure that the study is designed and conducted to respect and protect the rights and welfare of the people and communities involved and to ensure that the study is technically accurate and reliable, is conducted in a transparent and impartial manner, and contributes to organisational learning and accountability.

The consultant will protect the confidentiality of those participating in the study at all stages. All data and products are confidential and are the property of the project. No data or other information from this study will be released to third parties without the written approval of the project. The consultant will hand over all database generated from this baseline (interview records, meeting minutes, survey results, etc.) to the project and will destroy information and material after all data and original documentation has been delivered to the project team at the end of the contract./.

[1] The project’s Log-frame will be shared with the selected consultant/consultant team.

   Job Details  
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