Call for Expressions of Interest and Proposal
Job Title: #009
International consultants to support Ministry of Health
in conduct HIV midterm review with focus on HIV prevention including harm reduction
1. Background
HIV/AIDS is a major public health challenge in Vietnam, significantly impacting economic growth and development. To address this, in 2020, the Government launched the National Strategy to End the AIDS Epidemic by 2030, aiming to reduce new HIV infections, AIDS‐related deaths, and the socio‐economic burden of the epidemic. While Vietnam has made ramarkable progress in addressing HIV and STIs, gaps remain in understanding the epidemic’s dynamics, particularly among vulnerable populations, and in enhancing the effectiveness of surveillance systems. A mid‐term review of the national strategy is proposed to evaluate the current epidemiological situation and program performance.
The midterm review is expected to document the progression and identify gaps and challenges of the national HIV programme on various aspects including HIV prevention, testing and treatment and care, surveillance and mornitoring, commodities procurement and supply and community engagment.
The consultancy is to support MOH in review the technical aspect of HIV prevention focusing on harm reduction including methadone maintenance, prevention and management of amphetamine‐type stimulants addition, needles and condome programmes.
2. Planned timelines (subject to confirmation) Start date: 20/03/2025
End date: 30/04/2025
3. Work to be performed
a. Specific Objectives:
The potential international consultant will work with WHO technical staff, national consultants and other external reviewers to review the national HIV prevention programme including review the national policy, guidelines, interventions and programme performances regarding to harm reduction including methadone maintenance, prevention and management of amphetamine‐type stimulants addition, needles and condome programmes.
b. Description of the tasks/process involved in carrying out the activity:
- Work with WHO technical staff and national consultant to develop questionnaire for data collection.
- Review the policy, guidelines on harm reduction interventions.
- Review data on HIV prevention programme performance against national strategy target.
- Participate in the field visit together with the review team in selected provinces to collect data and interview key informants.
- Participate in the TWG and stakeholder meetings during the review.
- Develop report on HIV prevention focusing on harm reduction interventions including current intervention, results, good practice, challenges and recommendations.
c. Methodology
Under supervision of the WHO technical staff, the consultant will work with the national consultant and MOH counterparts and the review team to conduct the review and develop the review report.
d. Output/s
Output 1: Conduct the review on HIV prevention with focusing on harm reduction interventions.
Deliverable 2.1: Draft of report on HIV prevention focusing on harm reduction interventions including current policy and guidelines, implemented interventions, results, good practice, challenges and recommendations.
4. Specific requirements
Qualifications required:
- Must have university degree on medicine, public health or social science.
- Must have an advanced university degree in medicine, public health or relevant areas.
Experience required:
- Having at least 10 years of working experiences in the harm reduction programme especially on drug health or drug addiction management.
- Having experiences in project/programme evaluation/review is an asset.
- Demonstrate a good track record on publication.
Skills / Technical skills and knowledge:
- Demonstrated strong capacity in drug addiction management.
- Demonstrated capacity on writing technical documents.
- Good knowledge on harm reduction.
- Able to travel to Hanoi and to other provinces when required during the contract period.
Language requirements:
- English native speaker or equivalent and expert in speaking and writing.
- Fostering integration and teamwork
- Communicating in a credible and effective way
- Producing results
- Building and promoting partnerships across the organization and beyond.
5. Place of assignment
The consultant is expected to travel to Hanoi, Viet Nam to meet with WHO and MOH, conduct field visit and participate in stakeholder consultation meeting.
6. Medical clearance
The selected consultant will be expected to provide a medical certificate of fitness for work.
7. Travel
The international consultant will be requested to travel to Hanoi/Viet Nam. The consultant also required to travel to selected provinces in Viet Nam for field mission.
8. Budget
Please take note of the following when submitting application: the contractor will be responsible for paying taxes, if any.
Those who are interested can submit the following documents:
- Most updated CV and application letter
- Copy of passport
- Copy of education certificates
Please indicate post title and vacancy notice # and should be addressed to:
Administrative Officer World Health Organization UN Building, 304 Kim Ma Street
Hanoi, Viet Nam OR [email protected]
Before/by 9 March 2025
For further information on this TOR, please contact: