
National Intern


As a federal enterprise, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. We work in a variety of fields and support our cooperation partners in designing strategies and meeting their policy goals. GIZ Viet Nam is currently engaged in four priority areas: 1) Vocational training; 2) Environmental policy and sustainable natural resource use; 3) Energy; 4) Sustainable Economic Development. Gender equality is one of the key values of our company and of the work we do. Fostering gender equality in our project operation and our internal equal opportunity provisions are two strategic pillars of our corporate identity and policy. For further information please visit our website: www.giz.de/viet-nam.  

GIZ advises the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) on achieving its goals in energy cooperation with the Energy Partnership countries through the global project Energy Partnerships.

Important objectives of the cooperation are the promotion of political and technical exchange on energy topics between Germany and the partner countries. The Energy Partnership projects support the specialist units in the BMWK in coordinating the processes of the Energy Partnerships in a uniform manner, aligning them strategically, filling them out in terms of content, and achieving a uniform external communication policy as well as political visibility.

The Energy Partnerships are one of the central instruments of the German government’s foreign energy policy strategy. The Vietnamese-German Energy Partnership acts as a dialog platform for bilateral exchange in the energy sector for actors from both countries in politics, business, civil society, and research.

Empowering women working in the energy sector is a particularly important aspect of the Energy Partnership. The Vietnamese-German Energy Partnership supports networking and exchange among female energy experts and increases their visibility through the establishment and operation of the Vietnam Energy Women Network (EWN).

To support the implementation of the Secretariat Energy Partnership and EWN, the project is offering an internship opportunity with details below:

National Intern
Station: Hanoi, Vietnam
Duration: maximum 6 months, starting from 01.12.2024.

Support the Energy Partnership project team with regards to meetings and discussions (e.g., protocol preparation, meeting notes, etc.) and when needed;

  • Support preparation of materials for workshops, trainings and other events;
  • Assist with activities related to the Secretariat Energy Partnership and Vietnam Energy Women Network (VEWN), including elaboration of ideas/concepts, data collection, desk research, creating electronic surveys; etc;
  • Support in drafting reports or summaries of events;
  • Assist with VEWN’s materials preparation, tools development, and data management;
  • Support in collecting information for the platform on energy and gender-energy related topics;
  • Assist VEWN communication & networking group in PR and communications related work, including preparation of communications materials, maintaining and updating the content of VEWN communication platforms (webpage, Facebook, LinkedIn…), researching, collecting and preparing relevant data for communications work;
  • Assisting with translating documents and verifying translations (Vietnamese/English);
  • Other tasks as assigned by the project team.

Minimum requirements:

  • Vietnamese citizens in the last year of their bachelor’s degree study or newly graduated students within 6 months upon commencement of the internship;
  • Majoring in media, communication, public relations, marketing, social science, gender studies, sustainable development, international relations or similar are preferred;
  • Be an advocate for gender equality and women empowerment. Understanding of and experience in gender issues is an asset;
  • Experience in content development, social media marketing and communication is an asset;
  • Basic design skills are an asset;
  • Interest in and basic understanding about the energy sector and/or in development cooperation is an asset;
  • Experience in facilitating student social clubs or networks is an asset;
  • Proficiency with MS Office;
  • Proficiency in English and Vietnamese;
  • Good communication skills;
  • Demonstrated ability to multi-task and work independently and efficiently;
  • Willing to take extra responsibility and travel to project sites for work if necessary.

Apart from a monthly allowance, successful candidates will enjoy professional and dynamic working conditions and good policies of training.

Interested candidates are invited to send the latest curriculum vitae, cover letter and copies of relevant certificates and references by email to [email protected] no later than 22nd November 2024. 

Note: Please state “Application for the Internship – Secretariat Energy Partnership and Vietnam Energy Women Network” in the subject line. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted after the deadline. Telephone contact is not encouraged.

Please visit our page at https://www.giz.de/en/worldwide/109163.html for more internship and job opportunities.


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