
Activities and Services

Salary Survey

INGO Forum

INGO Working Groups


INGO Directory


Fortnightly email newsletter

Newsbrief Service

Fostering dialogue between INGOs and Government and donor agencies

2015 Salary Survey

The report on the 2015 Salary and Benefits Survey of National Staff in International Non-Government Organisations in Vietnam is produced by the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre and provides guidance to INGO managers on setting salary and benefits packages for national employees.

INGO Forum

The Resource Centre organises and hosts the INGO Forum meetings. These are held regularly and give representatives from international NGOs the opportunity to share experiences and better coordinate common activities. The Resource Centre acts as the secretariat for the INGO Forums, setting the agenda in consultation with the Steering Committee, taking and distributing forum minutes, and when relevant following up on discussions from meetings.

INGO Working Groups

The Resource Centre encourages and facilitates its international NGO members to establish Working Groups that focus on different sectoral or cross-sectoral issues.


The Resource Centre maintains a library as well as online resources containing a wide range of information from NGOs and others concerned with development and Vietnam. The library is open to the public during working hours, and is used by many people, including local and visiting researchers and staff and volunteers from local and international NGOs, and staff from government agencies. All library holdings are catalogued in an online searchable database, with a terminal available to library users at the Resource Centre.

INGO Directory

The Resource Centre produces an online INGO directory available at the home page of the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre. The directory lists all member INGOs with their contact details and basic information. Members can log-in to access the full directory, and retrieve specific information on the history of INGOs’ in Vietnam, projects, staff, budgets, partners, locations and other important information. Full access allows screening and mapping of INGOs, based on their programmatic and geographical focuses. A detailed printed INGO Directory will be published from time to time and made available to the public.


The Resource Centre website provides updated information and resources in English and Vietnamese to support the work of NGOs, VUFO and others focused on hunger eradication, poverty reduction and sustainable development in Vietnam. The Resource Centre welcomes any feedback you may have relating to our website and associated services. If you would like to submit suggestions or comments, please contact us at <[email protected]>

Fortnightly email newsletter

The Resource Centre produces an informal newsletter that is sent out via email to member organisations of the Resource Centre. The newsletter includes information relevant to member organisations, including Resource Centre news; library arrivals; calendar of events; agency personnel and address announcements; conferences, meetings, workshops; training opportunities; and current vacancies.

Newsbrief Service
The Resource Centre subscribes to a weekly Newsbrief Service which compiles news items from the Vietnamese press on a broad range of topics relevant to NGOs and development. This service is available to member organisations and partners by subscription via the Resource Centre. The Resource Centre and subscribing organisations share the cost of the service.

Fostering dialogue between INGOs and Government and donor agencies

Working under the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) and in close cooperation with the Peoples’ Aid Coordinating Committee (PACCOM), the Resource Centre also plays an important role in the overall relationship between international NGOs and Vietnamese authorities. The Resource Centre is also perceived as a contact point for international NGOs and their activities, in particular by certain government ministries, such as the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and by donor agencies, such as the World Bank, United Nations agencies and bilateral development agencies. The Resource Centre coordinates international NGO representation at the mid-term and annual Consultative Group meetings for Vietnam, as well as for a range of other partnerships, campaign initiatives and meetings.