
Disability Working Group meeting in July, 2018


This is regular meeting of Disability Working Group. The details are as below:

Date: 25 July, 2018

Time: 14 - 17:00 PM

Venue: Action to the Community Development Center (ACDC) R905, Dream Center Home building, 282 Nguyen Huy Tuong street, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi


1. Sharing on Study tour on Rehabilitation system for PWD in Thailand  -  Mrs. Mai Hien - IC
2. Discussion on DPG and DWG collaboration or merge both Group in one as suggestion from DPG
3. Update related activities from members

4. CRS sharing on Supporting model for Children with Disability

5. AOB

Further information, please contact co-chairs Dinh Thi Nguyet - CRS at [email protected], Nguyen Thi Lan Anh - ACDC at [email protected]

Disability Working Group regular meeting in November, 7th, 2017


This is regular meeting of Disability Working Group.

Date: 7th, November, 2017

Time: 14 - 16.30

Venue: Hanoi Independence Living Centre, 04, Alley 49, Van Bao str., Ba Dinh dist., Hanoi, Vietnam

The Tentative agenda are as below:

+ Update on MOLISA's consultation workshop on Circular 37 revision.
+ Update about Government's report on CRPD and discussion on process of CSO's report, contribution from DWG

+ Brainstorming for workplan of DWG in 2018
+ Other Business, potential presentation (to be confirmed)


Conference Promoting the Implementation Monitoring of United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


To strengthen the capacity on monitoring the implementation of United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Action to the Community Development Center (ACDC) in  collaboration with CBM, USAID will organize a Conference Promoting the Implementation Monitoring of United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Time:  From 18th to 19th April 2017
Venue: InterContinental Hanoi Westlake,  5 Tu Hoa, Tay Ho, Ha Noi, Vietnam

Please find the attached file for details agenda of the conference below:

Conference Promoting the Implementation Monitoring of United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


To strengthen the capacity on monitoring the implementation of United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Action to the Community Development Center (ACDC) in corlaboration with CBM, USIAD will organize a Conference Promoting the Implementation Monitoring of United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.


Disability Working Group meeting in November


This is regular meeting of Disability Working Group. The agenda will be shared through Group mailing list and posted on Website. Please save your date for joining the group's event:

the details of meeting are as below:

Date: 22 November, 2016

Time: 14-16.30 PM

Venue: 42 Kim Ma Thuong, Ba Dinh, Hanoi

Further information, please contact co-chairs of the group Ms. Thanh Thuy - MCNV at [email protected]

Mrs. Nguyen Hong Ha - Independence Living Centre at [email protected]

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