Disaster Management

Disaster Management Working Group meeting


This is a regular meeting of Disaster Management Working Group. The detail agenda

1. Review of the last meeting's minutes
2. Presentation on results of the review on current effort on CBDRM and
draft communication strategy for CBDRM by PeaPROs Consulting JSC
3. Updates from participating agencies
4. DMWG Plan of Action for 2013:
5. Others

Disaster Management Working Group meeting


This is monthly meeting of Disaster Management Working Group. the detail agenda will be as below:

  • Organizational general updates
  • CARE and PLAN  to show a PP and Q@A related to KAP in DRM.
  • World Vision to present about AHA center and the AADME

Further information, please contact chairman Mr. Nguyen Van Gia at [email protected]

Disaster Management Working Group meeting


This is regular meeting of Disaster Management Working Group. The detail agenda will be as below:

  • Update on the 5th Asian Ministerial Conference on DRR on 22-25 October in Yogyakarta, Indonesia (Gia and DMC, RC ?)
  • Typhoon Son Tinh Update: Organizations
  • Discuss the change of the members of the core group: there are changes that need reflect in the core group members
  • Sharing content of the DMWG report
  • Discuss the new chairmanship for the Working group from Jan 2013 (Oxfam; World Vision, CARE, UN or who ?)
  • Another updates?

Further information, please contact the Group Chairman Mr. Nguyen Van Gia from Save The Children at [email protected]

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