HIV/AIDS Technical

Joint meeting on Gender, Sexuality and Ethnic Minorities by Gender and Sexuality TWG and Ethnic Minority Working Group Meeting -

Please click HERE for the meeting brief and tentative agenda of Joint meeting on Gender, Sexuality and Ethnic Minorities by Gender and Sexuality TWG and EMWG.

Thank you

HIV Technical Working Group


This is regular meeting of HIV/AIDs Technical Working Group.  The theme for this meeting will be information, Education and Communication on HIV, followed by a discussion of:

- Findings from a review of existing IEC materials and job aids on HIV/AIDs and children (Pham Ngoc Yen, Program Officer, HIV Care and Support, Pact)

- IEC tools on HIV/AIDs prevention/ Behavior Change Project Officer, Handicap International France- Quang Tri

- Evaluation research: The production and broadcasting of the communication drama "Desire for life" (Nguyen Tri Trung, Data Manager, Center for Community Health Research and Development (CCRD),

HIV/AIDs Technical Working Group meeting


This is regular meeting of HIV/AIDs Technical Working Group. The main topic  of the meeting will be on ‘HIV and sex work’. The detail agenda can be reviewed HERE

Further information, please contact Ms. Nina at [email protected]


HIV-AIDS Partnership Framework US-VN 2010 Vietnamese

Vietnamese version of the Partnership Framework between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for HIV-AIDS Prevention and Control, 2010.

HIV-AIDS Partnership Framework US-VN 2010 English

English version of the Partnership Framework between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for HIV-AIDS Prevention and Control, 2010.

HIV/AIDs Working Group meeting


This is the regular meeting of HIV/AIDs Technical Working Group, it is scheduled for Wednesday, 25th August 2010. The theme for this meeting will be ‘Making it YOUR TWG!’
 This dynamic and interactive meeting will look at the outcomes of the recently completed TWG Evaluation and be an opportunity for participants to discuss the TWG’s future direction. Specialists in community platform building will be on hand to answer all the questions and share ideas.

The meeting will be chaired by:     Mr Simon Baldwin, FHI
Secretariat:     UNAIDS

Detailed agenda is as below:

Reports to support Phase I of a research project on HIV/AIDS and Rehabilitation Centres in Vietnam

Reports to support Phase I of a research project on ‘HIV/AIDS and Rehabilitation Centres in Vietnam’. The research served to explore the sexual and reproductive health, care, needs and choices of current and former detainees and their sexual partners. These reports are available in English and Vietnamese and are composed of:


1. Introductory Report (English / Vietnamese)

2. Section 1 – Literature Review (English / Vietnamese)

HIV/AIDs Technical Working Group meeting

This is the regular meeting of HIV/AIDs Working Group. The theme for this meeting will be ‘(Sexual) Reproductive Health and HIV”.

Further information please contact Ms. Prashikha Chhetri
Assistant Planning and Management Officer
No. 24 Lane 11 Trinh Hoai Duc Street, Ha Noi Viet Nam
PH: +84 (4) 37342824 Mob: +84 (0) 1213010192
Email: [email protected]

About Us - HIV/AIDS Technical Working Group

The HIV-AIDS Technical Working Group brings together participants from international and local non-governmental organisations, the Communist Party, the government of Vietnam, mass organisations, bilateral and multilateral donors, foundations, the United Nations, and People Living with HIV (PLHIV) groups to strengthen coordination and improve the response to HIV in Vietnam.


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