Disability Working Group meeting


This is regular meeting of Disability Working Group.

The meeting content would be divided into 3 main parts:

 Part 1: Presentation about one project or technical subject that related to one of topics planned in the Action Plan 2013 of DWG. The
presentation should be registered in advance and selected following order of registration.

Part 2: All member organization can share and comment about this presentation but mainly focus on similar difficulties/challenges to
learn more experiences as well as recommendation shared from other projects/organization.

Part 3: Time for all member share or invite everyone to important events coming or other announcement/ information.
Regarding of presentation: ACDC has registered last time after Spanish Red Cross with two topic:" Law consultancy for People with disabilities"
and " Cactus still bloom" so following order ACDC will decide one of these two topics for presentation in the next meeting
Regarding of discussion part, thanks to all members prepare relevant information/topics in advance to share Regarding of other topic: we will discuss about day 18/04 - National Day for people with disabilities.

Further information, please contact Co-Chairs Ms. Ngoc Anh at [email protected]

Chi Van at [email protected]