Disaster Management Working Group Meeting


This is regular meeting of Disaster Management Working Group. The detail agenda will be as below:

- Strengthen capacity for Sector Specific tRapid Assessments and surveys in disaster affected areas, including introduction of new food security component of the standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transition (SMART) tools.

-       Technical assistance on quality assurance standards and certification of locally produced fortified complementary foods, therapeutic foods, iron folic acid supplements and micronutrient sprinkles

-       Nutrition Cluster and Partnership Group meetings (1st Wednesday every month)

-       Exercise on mass casualty management

-       Rapid Health Assessment (tools and methods)

-       WASH cluster meetings (bi-monthly)

Further information, please contact Group Chairperson:

Ms. Nguyen Thi Yen

Manager - Disaster Response and Mitigation Program

Habitat for Humanity Vietnam
62 Yen Phu Street, 4th floor
Yen Phu Ward, Tay Ho District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel: +84 (0)4 3715 2615
Fax: +84 (0)4 3715 2614
Email: [email protected]