Market Assessment and Cash Feasibility Study Training 29th Sept, 2022
CVA (Cash and Voucher Assistance) is an effective tool to provide assistance and services to the most vulnerable and at-risk populations. Cash and Vouchers Assistance (CVA or CBI) helps affected families meet essential needs, including access to food, water, healthcare, and shelter, allows them to rebuild livelihoods and supports voluntary repatriation.
The national Joint need assessment team (JAT) comprises of VNDMA, UN agencies, INGOs developed tools for rapid need assessment including VCA as a cross cutting theme. However, there has not been sufficient capacity strengthening across the sector. The study result on the International Humanitarian organizations’ response to the Central Flood 2020 shows that only 47% of the humanitarian organizations conducted the market assessment.
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) collaborates with FAO, chair of Cash Working Group to organize Cash Feasibility and Market Assessment Training for JAT, CWG & DMWG members. The participants will be better equipped for decision-making to include cash?based interventions as a viable response option in emergency and recovery operations.
Training time: 9am – 5pm, 29th September 2022
Training venue: C2 conference room, Green One UN House, 304 Kim Ma, Ba Dinh, Hanoi
Training facilitator: Corrie Sissons, Technical Advisor, Food Security & Markets, CRS Headquarter; and CWG/Vietnam core members
Tentative Training Agenda:
Market-Based Programming and CVA
JAT Rapid Market Assessment Overview
The 9 Core elements of the JAT Rapid Market Assessment
JAT Rapid Market Assessment Methodology
JAT Rapid Market Assessment Practice
JAT Rapid Market Assessment Administration and Logistics
Please confirm your attendance or that of the nominated officer to [email protected] before September 20, 2022.