The Scaling Up Nutrition Working Group (SUNWG) meeting in March, 2022


This is the  regular meeting of The Scaling Up Nutrition Working Group (SUNWG). The details are as below:

Date and Time: 14:00 – 16:30, 10/03/2022

Venue:  Link Teams


-Update workplan of SUN CSA 2021 – 2023 

-Update goals of March – April, 2022


-Update information about Project No. 7 - National Target Program for the development of ethnic minority and mountainous areas.

Details agenda please click The LINK HERE

 Further ìnformation, please contact the Group - Cochairs Mrs, Vu Thuy Duong - FHI 360 at [email protected]

Mr. Nguyen Anh Vu WWV at [email protected]