Football for All in Vietnam

Short Name


Address Line 1

Address Line 2

Street - Number and Name



Province – Vietnam


+84 54 3825 325


Email Address

Contact Person – Vietnam

International Headquarters

Mission Statement

“FOOTBALL FOR ALL IN VIETNAM”. This simply means that all who want to play football should be able to do so. Participation should be based on interest rather than skills and/or parents and teachers ambitions. The project aim to make FFAVs experiences and competence available for all provinces in Vietnam, using Thua Thien Hue as a model for children and youth grassroots football in South East Asia, serving as a best practice in this respect. Girls participation is secured through the 50 – 50 % boys and girls quotation rule. Disabled and disadvantaged children and youth are included.

History of operations in Vietnam

Years of operation in Vietnam

Vietnam Programme Description

Projects in Vietnam

Local Partner(s) in Vietnam

National Staff

Expatriate Staff

Budget in USD