Here below is the listing of all INGO directory.
Short Name Organisation Name Email Address Phone International Website Vietnam Website
AAF Animals Asia Foundation [email protected] +84-4-3928 9264 http://www.animalsasia.org
AAT Alliance Anti Trafic [email protected]
AAV ActionAid Vietnam [email protected] +84-4-3943 9866 http://www.actionaid.org http://www.actionaid.org/vi/vietnam
ABA ROLI The American Bar Association's Rule of Law Initiative [email protected] +84 (0) 915 344 801 http://apps.americanbar.org/rol/
ACDI/VOCA Agricultural Cooperative Development International / Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance [email protected] +84-8-3930 5689 http://www.acdivoca.org http://www.thesuccessalliance.org
ACR a child's right [email protected] +84-913404366
ADDA Agricultural Development Denmark Asia [email protected] +84 43 762 3533 http://adda.dk http://adda.vn
ADRA Adventist Development and Relief Agency in Vietnam [email protected] +84-24-3852 5183 http://www.adra.org http://www.adravietnam.org
AEA Aide-et-action [email protected] +84 4 3726 5537
AED Academy for Educational Development (MISSION CLOSED) [email protected] +84-4-3723 6928 http://www.aed.org