
Australian Volunteers International

Short Name: AVI
Address Line 1: Room 201-202, Block B4
Address Line 2: Van Phuc Diplomatic Compound
Street - Number and Name: 298 Kim Ma Street
Contact Person – Vietnam: Ms. Do Thuy Hanh, Regional Admin Officer
Email address: [email protected]
Phone: +84-24-32321452
International website: http://www.australianvolunteers.com
Vietnam website:
International Headquarter:
Mission Statement: AVI works to build links and increase cooperation between Austraians and people living in developing communities. An independent, non-government organisation, it conducts a variety of people-centred develpment activites across a diverse range of sectors in some 20 countries throguhout Asia, Agrica and the Pacific as well as in remote Aboriginal communities ithin Australian. AVI believes that international volunteering based on reciprocal learning through commiment, engagement and solidarity contributes to a more peaceful and just world. Interntional volunteers share their knowledge, experiences and skills as they live, work andlearn in response to needs expressed by ocal communities. Australian Volunteers International profides opportunities for Australians to becom volunteers and assists them in sharing the learning from their international experiences. Volunteers are employed by and report to a host institution, government department or other organisation. AVI provides pastoral support to the volunteers and acts as a mediator if work place issues arise which cannot be reselved between the volunteer and the host organisation. The Australian Government's overseas aid program, AusAID provides signigicant support for Australian volunteers who work in a development capacity in Vietnam.