
Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung fuer internationale Kooperation

Short Name: DSIK
Address Line 1: House number 12
Address Line 2:
Street - Number and Name: 12/70 Dang Thai Mai street, Quang An ward
City: Hanoi
Contact Person – Vietnam: Christian Grajek - Regional Coordinator South East Asia
Email address: [email protected]
Phone: +84 98 160 64 88
International website: http://www.sparkassenstiftung.de
Vietnam website:
International Headquarter:
Mission Statement: DSIK aims to reduce poverty and promote local economic development. It implements worldwide projects across the entire range of banking and microfinance activities. DSIK operations are focused on: (1) Promotion of economic and social development in developing countries and territories. (2) Building of a better understanding among nations through practical development assistance. (3) Technical Assistance, for projects of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, supporting financial institutions in providing financial services to poor/low income households. (4) Provision of trainings and coaching to (future) employees of such institutions.