
Institute of International Education

Short Name: IIE
Address Line 1: Building A2, Room 405-406
Address Line 2: Van Phuc Diplomatic Compound
Street - Number and Name: 298 Kim Ma
City: Hanoi
Contact Person – Vietnam: Trinh Mai Oanh, Country Coordinator
Email address: [email protected]
Phone: +84-4-3726 2524
Fax: +84-4-3726 2523
International website: http://www.iie.org
Vietnam website: http://www.iie.org/hanoi
International Headquarter:
Mission Statement: Promoting closer educational relations between the people of the United States and those of other countries; Strengthening and linking institutions of higher learning globally; Rescuing threatened scholars and advancing academic freedom; Building leadership skills and enhancing the capacity of individuals and organizations to address local and global challenges.