
Norwegian Church Aid

Short Name: NCA
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Street - Number and Name: Floor 6, Plot 9, Vy Da Ward, Hue city
City: Hue
Contact Person – Vietnam: Eivind Archer, Country Representative
Email address: [email protected]
Phone: +84-54-383 2166
Fax: +84-54-382 2613
International website: http://www.nca.no
Vietnam website:
International Headquarter:
Mission Statement: The vision of the parent organization is “Together for a just world”. It is founded on the belief that all human beings are created equals with the same basic rights and obligations regardless of race, gender, ethnic origin, religious and political beliefs. NAV's aim is to improve the situation of poor and marginalised groups. Prioritised groups are women, children, People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and poor families of migrants and resettled people. Through both material support and capacity building NAV works towards enabling families to raise their standards of living as well as their community participation. In all its activities NAV emphasizes building sustainability beyond the project period itself. By involving local women and men as well as authorities and mass-organizations, NAV seeks to foster both community and individual ownership to the projects and its deliverables. In its programs NAV promotes participation, gender equality and a sustainable development.