
Rikolto (Formerly Vredeseilanden – VECO Vietnam)

Short Name: Rikolto
Address Line 1: House No. 4
Address Line 2: 249A Thuy Khue Compound
Street - Number and Name: Thuy Khue Street, Tay Ho District
City: Hanoi
Contact Person – Vietnam: Ms. Thai Thi Minh, Rikolto Regional Director
Email address: [email protected]
Phone: +84-4-6258 3640 / 41
Fax: +84-4-6258 3642
International website: http://www.vredeseilanden.be/
Vietnam website: https://vietnam.rikolto.org
International Headquarter:
Mission Statement: VECO envisions a world in which family farm-ers claim their rights to create sustainable livelihoods. VECO wants to contribute to viable live-lihoods and empowerment of organized family farmers, male and female, in South and North