
Vets With A Mission

Short Name: VWAM
Address Line 1: POB 202, Newberry, SC 29108-0202
Address Line 2: 1307 Caldwell Street, 3rd Floor, Wells Fargo Bank Building, Newberry, SC 29108-2799
Street - Number and Name: 24 Ly Thuong Kiet Street
City: Hue City
Contact Person – Vietnam: Xuan Tran Nam, Program Coordinator
Email address: [email protected]
Phone: 84-54-384-6493 Office and 094-864-1370 Mobile
Fax: 00-01-803-405-9926 USA and 84-54-384-6493 Vietnam
International website: http://www.vetswithamission.org
Vietnam website:
International Headquarter:
Mission Statement: "Vets With A Mission was founded in 1989 and is celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary of carrying-out various humanitarian programs and projects in Vietnam. Over 2,000 volunteers, mostly Vietnam veterans have participated on medical, disaster relief or project teams. VWAM has built or sponsored nearly 40 medical clinics or rural healthcare stations, renovated several health facilities as well as two orphanages and two churches, built one school, and shipped 36 cargo containers filled with medical equipment, disaster relief supplies, and other humanitarian aid. In addition, Vets With A Mission has established the Children’s Heart Surgery Program in Hue and Da Nang that provides life-saving procedures for special patients. A Down Syndrome program/project was initiated in 2013. Vietnam vets participate in “Reconciliation” events with former VC/NVA, and each Vietnam vet is “Honored” during the trip by non-vet team members at a special team farewell event. VWAM is an IRS approved 501 (c) (3) non-profit charitable organization and officially recognized by the government of Vietnam as a INGO or International Non-Governmental organization with a COR or Certificate of Registration. Vietnam vets went to Vietnam to "Help the Vietnamese people, and through VWAM that commitment continues."