
The Project Office of the Dansk Handicap Forbund (DHF) in Vietnam is supporting the implementation of a 3 year project (2017 - 2020) "Capacity Strengthening and Organizational Development for Disabled Person Organizations in Vietnam".

The project partners include: The Vietnam Federation on Disability (VFD) and the DPOs of Hanoi, Hanam, Namdinh, Thaibinh, Thainguyen, and Haiduong. Three main outcomes of the project are: capacity building on leadership & management, membership, and advocacy.

Our project office is looking for candidates for the position of Bookkeeper. Detailed job description is attached.

Application can be sent to [email protected]. Deadline for application: 20/4/2019.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Sat, 2019-04-20