
Call for Applications for a PEPFAR-funded grant in support of Vietnam’s military HIV/AIDS responses 2026 – 2029

Submission deadline: 12pm EST on December 6, 2024. Submission received after the deadline will not be considered for funding

As part of the PEPFAR support for HIV epidemic control in Vietnam, the U.S. Department of Defense HIV/AIDS Prevention Program (DHAPP) is inviting applications from qualified partners for a PEPFAR-funded grant in support of quality HIV/AIDS services provision and sustainability in the military of Vietnam. The grant is for work that will be performed in FY2026 (01 October 2025 – 30 September 2026) with upto three potential extension years thereafter subject to funding availability at the end of each year.

DHAPP works as part of the U.S. Government’s effort to save lives, prevent HIV infections, and accelerate progress toward achieving HIV/AIDS epidemic control in more than 40 countries around the world. DHAPP is positioned within the U.S. Defense Health Agency (DHA) and located at the U.S. Naval Health Research Center (NHRC) in San Diego, California. DHAPP continues to rely upon the vital support of various partners such as local and international non-governmental organizations including faith-based organizations to implement HIV prevention, care and treatment programs across the globe, supporting partner militaries strengthen systems for services sustainability and promoting partner militaries’ ownership of responses. A customized plan is needed to assist partner militaries as they implement HIV/AIDS programs capable of reaching the shared goals for HIV epidemic control.  

The Funding Opportunity announcement can be found on www.Grants.gov by going to tab “Search Grants” and use “W81XWH-22-DHAPP” to search, or by following this link https://www.grants.gov/search-results-detail/343653. The full Program Announcement and supporting documents and templates can then be found under the “Related Documents” tab. The Vietnam-specific information can be found towards the end of the Program Announcement.        

Questions regarding program policy, program content, or technical issues should be directed to the DHAPP Chief Dr. Braden Hale at [email protected].

Questions regarding administrative issues or grant administration should be directed to the USAMRAA Grants Officer Ebony Simmons at [email protected]

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