
Call for EOI: Drafting revision of the national technical standard for room air conditioning (TCVN 7830:2021) in Vietnam

Calling for expression of interest

Drafting revision of the national technical standard for

room air conditioning (TCVN 7830:2021) in Vietnam

Tender code: 83485779


1. Background

As a federally owned enterprise, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. On behalf of the German Government, GIZ provides advisory services to the Vietnamese Government in four priority areas: (1) Vocational training, (2) Environmental, (3) Energy, and (4) Sustainable Economic Development. For further information, please visit www.giz.de/viet-nam.


Acceleration of Air Conditioning Transformation through Enhanced Energy Performance Standard (ACT MEPS) is a regional project which is funded by a sustainable cooperation and cooling progamme (Clean Cooling Collaborative), an initiative of the ClimateWorks Foundation, a non-profit organization, focuses geographically on Vietnam and the Philippines. The scope for Vietnam portion includes the revision of the national technical standard for the room air conditioning (TCVN 7830:2021) to assess and increase the MEPS and energy efficiency levels of the Room Air conditioning (RAC). In this line, the ACT MEPS project plans to draft a new revision of the national technical standard for the room air conditioning in Vietnam.


The GIZ Office Hanoi as the contracting party, on behalf of the ACT-MEPS project, is conducting a local negotiated tender to look for qualified Local Consulting Firm (LCF) to implement the assignment.

Tentative duration: from 20 June 2025 until 30 January 2027

Place of assignment: in Vietnam

Estimate working days: up to 245 working days for an expert team of 3 members


2. Requirements for the LCF

  • Commercial register entry
  • Average annual turnover for the last three financial years

            At least: 80.000 EUR

  • Average number of employees and managers for the past three calendar years

            At least: 5 persons

  • Technical experience assessment is based on reference projects that were conducted by LCF with a minimum value of 15.000 EUR to satisfy the folowing:
    • LCF has signed at least 5 reference contracts with either state or private instituions to draft the national standards (TCVN or QCVN);
    • LCF has provided consulting services to draft at least 1 national standard TCVN on room air conditioning (non-conducting air conditioning) in Vietnam in the last 5 years (March 2020-March 2025);
    • LCF’s proposed staffs have been members of the technical committees for developing the national standards (TCVN or QCVN);
    • LCF has at least 10 years of working experience in the national technical standard of Vietnam
    • and LCF has experience of 1 development project.


3. Requirements for eligibility documents

Interested LCFs are requested to prepare the following documents in English:

  • Letter of interest (with Director’s or authorised person’s signature and company stamp).
  • Audited financial reports of the last 03 years. Important/key information in the audited financial reports or in annual tax reports must be translated into English if documents are in Vietnamese.
  • LCF profile and technical experience, incl. Business license (for firm) or Decision of establishment (for association); Tax code registration; organisational chart; consortium agreement and nomination of consortium leading firm (if at least 02 entities join the assignment); similar experience/copy of contracts or other documents to prove that LCF can meet all technical requirements mentioned in Section 2 above incl. proposed expert team.


4. Method of bid submission

LCFs send Eligibility dossiers to [email protected] before 5 PM (Hanoi time) on 24.04.2025 with email subject: “Tender 83485779-Eligibility dossier-Company name”.


For data protection and information security reason: In case the total volume of your bids is below 10 MB, you can attach them directly in the email sent to us. In case the total volume of your bids is above 10 MB, the files must be sent via GIZ filetransfer system. We will provide guidance for using our filetransfer. Links stated in documents and files sent via other applications/systems are not accepted.


Bids sent after the submission deadline and bids sent to wrong email address will be disqualified.


5. Notes


GIZ is obliged to ensure the confidentiality of all submitted documents by bidders.

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