
Call for proposals – Course on Feedback Management and Writing Effective Annual Goals


SNV is a mission-driven global development partner working in more than 20 countries across Africa and Asia. Building on 60 years of experience and grounded in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, we work on the core themes of gender equality and social inclusion, climate adaptation and mitigation, and strong institutions and effective governance.  Together with our team of over 1,600 people, our mission is to strengthen capacities and catalyze partnerships that transform the agri-food, energy, and water systems, which enable sustainable and more equitable lives for all.

Our core values of people-centeredness and respect, equity and equality, and diversity and inclusion, are fundamental to who we are, and what we do. This is reflected in our vision and mission, and strategy, which sets out our aspirations and commitments as our compass towards 2030.

For more information on SNV, please refer to our website: www.snv.org

SNV has been working in Vietnam since 1995, and currently has over 60 national and international staff. SNV Vietnam’s team works hand-in-hand with communities, government agencies, and businesses in 20 provinces, including the remotest and poorest areas of the country. We operate from a country office in Hanoi as well as project offices in different provinces. Our work focuses on three sectors – Agri-Food, Water and Energy.

We are now seeking highly qualified Course on Feedback Management and Writing Effective Annual Goals provided by Consulting Firms or individual consultants to train for all staff levels of SNV Vietnam.


Equip managers and staff with tools to give and receive feedback constructively and to write clear, measurable annual goals that drive individual, team, and organizational success.

  1. Effective Feedback Management

Provide managers and staff with practical skills for delivering and receiving feedback to enhance team performance and foster a growth-oriented organizational culture.

  1. Writing Effective Annual Goals

Guide staff in writing SMART goals that align with organizational objectives and help measure success throughout the year.

The Courses on Feedback Management and Writing Effective Annual Goals are designed to give participants a thorough understanding of how to build and implement an Annual Performance Review (PAR) within SNV Vietnam. Additionally, the course teaches participants how to deliver feedback in a positive manner, uphold professionalism, and ensure the feedback is actionable, with a focus on fostering growth and development.

  • Supervisor training on giving feedback in English
  • All staff training on receiving feedback in Vietnamese
  • All staff training on writing good annual goals both English and Vietnamese

The Course will take place over two days with at least 2 hours for each session:

Day 1: Training for Supervisors (in English)

Day 2: Training for all staff members (in Vietnamese)


This course is designed for the following participants:

  • Sector Leaders/Project Managers/Supervisors who are responsible for team performance
  • Employees at all levels aiming to develop effective goal-setting skills


  • Managers and staff will enhance their ability to give feedback and receive constructively and regularly
  • Participants will leave with clear, actionable, and measurable SMART goals for the year ahead.
  • Improved alignment of individual and team goals with organizational priorities.


  • Slot 1 and 2: week 25th Nov 2024
  • Slot 3 and 4: 1st week of December 2024

Interested consultants should submit the EOIs with following information/ documents via the instruction via https://smrtr.io/p4jzc

  1. Letter of Interest
  2. The applicant’s professional qualifications and CVs which includes:
  • 8-10 years of experience within the HR management with strong industry awareness and deep understanding of the performance management evaluation needs specific to INGOs
  • Extensive knowledge of performance management concepts, theories and practices, along with significant experience in integrating these into business-focused solutions, including practical implementation plans.
  • Experience in delivering training on these topics, with the ability to develop training curricula for them – or having pre-existing curricula and training designs available.
  • Excellent proficiency in Vietnamese and English, both spoken and written. 
  • Capability to develop structured processes, policies, and procedures that facilitate goal achievement.
  • Conduct the training in English and several times in Vietnamese.
  1. Due Diligence Declaration Form via https://smrtr.io/p4jzc
  2. Business license of the company if any
  3. The proposed fee/ rate for the assignment.

Deadline for submission: Proposal submissions are due 17:00 on November 19th, 2024

Additional information

Selection Process

SNV will review all Proposals received in accordance with the guidelines and criteria in this solicitation. SNV reserves the right to exclude any Proposals that do not meet the guidelines. Please note that SNV is unable to provide detailed feedback to those Proposals that are not selected.

SNV will shortlist selected Proposals, and unsuccessful respondents will be notified. Successful applicants will be contacted by SNV.

Protection of Information

We request that Proposal responses be free of any intellectual property that the applicant wishes to protect. Should offerors wish to include proprietary intellectual property that they believe would be helpful for SNV, please note the proprietary nature of such information. Costing information will be kept confidential and will not be shared beyond SNV.

   Job Details  
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