Consultancy for Aquaculture Farmer’s Needs Assessment in MRD Vietnam

Terms of Reference


: Aquaculture Farmer’s Needs Assessment in MRD Vietnam


: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)


: Vietnam

Project number

: CST23VN02

Assignment number



: July – October 2023

Senior Cooperative advisor

: Le Anh Tuan

Background of the assignment

The Mekong Delta in Vietnam is widely recognized as the most productive region for brackish and freshwater aquaculture and fisheries due to its favourable environmental conditions, vast water surface area, and abundant fishery resources. It is also an area of priority for the Netherlands in Vietnam. However, aquaculture producers, particularly smallholder farmers (both individual and cooperative) in the Mekong River Delta (MRD), are currently confronted with the following issues:

  • Fragmented production with low quality and productivity.
  • Limited access to quality inputs such as seeds, feed, probiotics, and services.
  • Insufficient access to innovative and affordable technologies.
  • Lack of access to financial services.
  • Limited skills and capacity to adopt good aquaculture practices, ensure safety production, and cope with climate change, disease outbreaks, environmental concerns, and stringent import requirements.
  • Relatively low engagement of small farmers in sustainable supply chains with leading firms.

Vietnam holds the position of being the largest exporter of shrimp and aquaculture products to the Netherlands. With the signing of the EU-VCietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), there are opportunities to expand trade and collaboration. However, Vietnam faces significant challenges related to diseases and environmental pressures, which can be addressed through Dutch expertise. This presents opportunities to enhance trade and volume in the Vietnamese aquaculture sector by modernizing the local value chain in a competitive and environmentally friendly manner.

Dutch solutions within the aquaculture sector have already proven successful in Vietnam. Dutch feed millers, such as De Heus and Nutreco, have made substantial investments in local production of aquaculture feeds and specialized aqua products. Additionally, Skretting Vietnam, a part of Nutreco/SHV holding, has invested 24 million euros in a state-of-the-art production facility near Ho Chi Minh City, demonstrating a strong commitment to Vietnam’s aquaculture and shrimp sector.

The purpose of this project is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the needs and challenges faced by farmers, as well as the factors influencing their decision-making process. This will enable the identification of key areas requiring intervention and potential collaboration with Dutch expertise and innovations to support aquaculture farmers. The project will involve desk research, online interviews, and field studies involving selected farmers, cooperatives, institutions, and government agencies, culminating in the production of a final report.

Agriterra priority in MRD: Agriterra is aligning its focus and transition to in priority of Vietnamese, Netherland government, the needs of support from farmer and private sector (especially Dutch business) in aquaculture sector. To get full insights about status quo/challenges of small-scale aquaculture producer as well as potential opportunities to enable these farmers in the near future, Agriterra is seeking a group of consultants to co-undertake an Aquaculture Farmers’ Needs Assessment in Mekong River delta, Vietnam.

Main objectives

The objective of the project is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by aquaculture farmers in the Mekong Delta and determine their specific needs. By doing so, the aim is to uncover potential opportunities for enhanced involvement of farmers in sustainable aquaculture production supply chains. These opportunities primarily revolve around improving water quality and efficiency, reducing disease-related expenses in fish farming, minimizing the use of antibiotics, fostering technological innovation, establishing mangrove forests, and implementing a stratification process for agriculture.

Assessment Methodology

  • Assessment methods include questionnaire-based household survey and focus group discussion with small group of farmers in aquaculture sector. Other key informants will include the local authorities, service providers, NL companies in aquaculture sector, research institutes and finance institutions.   
  • Identify key relevant private sector (led firm, key dealer, and service provider .ect) as an essential part of the interview to explore explicitly the demand from market side to farmers (supply side).
  • Both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies are utilized, and the study made use of both primary and secondary data sources to increase the assessment findings’ validity. Quantitative data collection tools will be piloted with a small group of local people before finalization.
  • Specific duties of the research team as the following:
  1. Develop plan and tool for farmer needs assessment.
  2. Develop assessment report template.
  3. Pilot and finalise the tools.
  4. Conduct data collection.
  5. Upload completed questionnaires, records on focus group discussion and interview notes onto a shared drive online.
  6. Key in focus group discussion data by designated themes
  7. Clean and enter data to create an Excel-based database.
  8. Analyse data for each sector
  9. Display analysed data and key findings into the Microsoft word templates.
  10. Participate in meetings with Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and NL Embassy (if required) to discuss assessment plan, methods, and findings.
  11. Improve and finalize the report upon Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) an NL Embassy and relevant stakeholders’ comments.

Expected deliverables.

The study will provide the following deliverables (in English):

Planning stage:

  • A comprehensive assessment plan document that clearly outlines the study’s goals, information areas, research methods, and sample details.
  • A comprehensive fieldwork data collection plan document that includes all necessary details and logistics.
  • Farmer needs assessment tools, including a well-structured guide for formulating questions.
  • Excel template with indicators and key themes, providing a standardized framework for data organization and analysis.
  • Database forms for data entry, along with a code list for standardized data input
  • List of potential private sector partners and their profiles, serving as a valuable resource for future collaborations.

Data collection, cleaning, and processing stage:

  • Finalized data collection tools that have been refined based on the pilot study feedback.
  • Cleaned and organized questionnaires, FGD and interview notes, with notable quotes and insights uploaded on a shared drive for further analysis and reporting.
  • Cleaned datasets that have undergone rigorous validation and cleaning processes, ready for further analysis.

Data analysis and reporting stage:

  • Presentation of the report (with visually appealing graphs and charts) during VietStock and/or published on the Mekong Delta Business Platform. The report will contain the elements developed in the planning stage and processing stage.
  • Database of baseline values of indicators and key findings, with the Microsoft word templates for reporting.
  • An article on study result for website of the NL ministry on agricultural development worldwide.

Required Qualifications

Lead consultant (01)

  • Master’s degree in related field.
  • A minimum of 10 years directly relevant experience.
  • Demonstrated strong understanding of aquaculture sector and MRD context.
  • Proven track record of leading similar consulting team (evidence of at least two similar contracts implemented during the last five years).
  • Excellent understanding of quantitative and qualitative research.
  • Ability to analyze and interpret data.
  • Strong report writing skills and the ability to generate real insights.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in Vietnamese and English.
  • Ability to manage multiple demands and prioritize tasks, work effectively and collaboratively with diverse stakeholders.
  • Ability to engage partners effectively in the assessment process.
  • Strong organizational skills and attention to detail.
  • Good interactive skills
  • An understanding of gender and women’s economic empowerment is an advantage.

Team members (01)

  • Master’s degree in related field in related field
  • A minimum of five years directly relevant experience.
  • Ability to manage multiple demands and prioritize tasks, work effectively and collaboratively with diverse stakeholders.
  • Ability to engage partners effectively in the assessment process.
  • Strong organizational skills and attention to detail.
  • Good interactive skills
  • Good understanding of aquaculture sector and MRD context

Assignment details

  • This assignment will be undertaken by twofold, which the desk-research, online interview, and field study to key selected farmers, cooperative, institutions, and government agencies.
  • Composition of the Agriterra assignment team:
  1. Tuan Le Anh, Senior CA Vietnam, Assignment Team Leader
  2. Nguyen Thanh Quang, CA Vietnam, Team members
  3. 02 key sector external experts from local university or research institute  
  4. Supporting team for data collection and logistic arrangement
  • Duration and location of the assignment:
  1. The time frame of the assignment will be from the signing date (July) to October 2023.
  2. Location: 04 provinces: Bac Lieu, Ca Mau, Can Tho and An Giang province
  3. Estimated 40 consultancy days is required for this assignment.
  • Arrangements:
  • Number of consultancy days for this ToR is 40 working days.
  • Fees: following Agriterra standard cost norms for consultant fee and reimbursable costs.
  • Type of contract: An umbrella contract with be signed with the lead consultant, on behalf of the whole team. The contract will include PIT number of each team member. Agriterra will pay individuals, based on the consultancy days specified in the agreed timetable.

Below the tentative work plan (including number of expert days)



Working day of consultant

Working days of Agriterra CA

State 1





Develop comprehensive assessment plan




Develop a detailed fieldwork data collection plan




Develop farmer needs assessment tools




Design a data collection and analysis Excel template




Develop user-friendly database forms for data entry




Compile a list of potential private sector partners




Kick off discussion (live or conference call)



Stage 2

Data Collection, Cleaning, and Processing




Pilot and  data collection tools




Conduct interviews based on defined questions




Clean and enter data to create an Excel-based database.



Stage 3

Data Analysis and Reporting




Prepare a comprehensive presentation showcase




Develop a comprehensive database




Drafting review report




Improve and finalize the report




Write a compelling and informative article



Total working days



The closing date for application: 17 July 2023.

How to Apply: Interested candidates can send your application to [email protected] with title: MRD Aqualculture famer’s needs assessment.

Please be advised that only short-listed applicants will be contacted.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2023-07-17