
Consultancy on development of the 2025-2027 business strategy

Scope of Work

Technical Assistance for EcoTruck Technology Joint Stock Company 

Consultancy on development of the 2025-2027 business strategy


Improving Private Sector Competitiveness (IPSC) is a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) technical assistance project, and the Agency for Enterprise Development (AED) under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) is the project owner. The project is implemented by Deloitte Consulting LLP (“Deloitte”) and runs from 2020 to 2025.

The purpose of the USAID IPSC Activity is to remove constraints and build the competitiveness of Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) in Vietnam, including those led by vulnerable populations. With this activity, USAID/Vietnam is supporting Vietnam’s competitiveness: vertically at the policy, market, and firm level; and horizontally by working along the entire spectrum of enterprise growth models, from household businesses transforming into registered firms to small firms on the cusp of scaling up.

IPSC is made up of four interrelated Objectives:

Objective 1. Building business management capacity of SGBs, including those led by vulnerable populations, particularly women and ethnic minorities.

Objective 2. Improving efficiency and productivity by promoting innovation, technology adoption, and sustainable business models.

Objective 3. Enhancing business enabling environment for a broad-based inclusive economy.

Objective 4. Strengthening Business-to-Business (B2B) and cross-sectoral linkages.

Summary of Activities

IPSC collaborates closely with the Government of Vietnam (GVN) counterparts, including the project owner, AED, under MPI. IPSC and AED develop strategies for sector selection, geographic focus, and SGB engagement and engage a broad range of market actors across the economy that make up the SGB ecosystem, including SGBs, cooperatives, and Household Businesses (HBs); Business Chambers, Associations, and Business Development Service Providers (BDSPs); GVN Ministries and Agencies, provincial and local administrations; and private sector consultants, training institutions, and financial institutions. Using incentives and cost-sharing with SGBs, Pioneering Enterprises (PEs), and other partners, IPSC builds both greater demand and supply of Business Development Services (BDS), while improving providers’ capacity to understand and offer services desired in the marketplace.

One of IPSC’s main objectives is supporting Pioneering Enterprises (PEs) to receive customized technical assistance under the overall support package “Vietnamese Value – Reach out to the World” to create products with added value and Vietnamese intellectual property, nurturing them to become sustainable models for other SGBs to emulate and scale up proven examples. A PEs is a growing Vietnamese enterprise with Vietnamese-branded products, sufficient competitiveness, the ability to lead and expand in the industry, sector, and locality, strong management capacity, and willingness to innovate and produce products with high added value, with the vision and objective to build a Vietnamese brand in international markets. Positioning the “Made by Vietnam” product brand successfully in the Regional and International markets is a priority for PEs.

Each support package will be customized for the individual PE, depending on their situation, needs, development capacity, commitment to participate, and willingness to co-invest. The support packages will focus on facilitating BDSPs and technical experts to deliver consulting services and specialized training to help enterprises strengthen their governance, management capability, and strategies (including strategy development, business model refinement, brand positioning, marketing, innovation, communications, and human resource development). IPSC will develop Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each supporting package so PEs can quantify the results achieved and evaluate the effectiveness of the results.

Founded in 2017, EcoTruck Technology Joint Stock Company (EcoTruck) is a tech-driven logistics company, that considers primary freight transport service and creating an ecosystem of supporting services to optimize the efficiency of the logistics industry in Vietnam. Since its establishment, EcoTruck has been progressively achieving steady and uninterrupted growth and have:

  • Set up a new office at one of the largest ports in the Northern part of Vietnam, Hai Phong City, where capacity reaches a volume of 3,000 shipments per month in March 2019.
  • Set up the new offices in Hanoi Capital and Danang City where the port is located in the central hub of Vietnam and has doubled the size of capacity to above 6,000 shipments per month in January 2021;
  • Launched the construction of transportation hubs in April 2021; and
  • Promoted domestic transportation services with capacity reaching a volume above 10,000 shipments per month in December 2022.

Based on EcoTruck’s agreed action plan, this Scope of Work will support EcoTruck in Consultancy on development of the 2025-2027 business strategy.

  1. Scope Statement

Three (03) selected short term consultants forming as a team will support the IPSC project by conducting a current status (As-Is) review for Ecotruck in their logistics of the B2B domestic market and support in a 2025-2027 business strategy planning consultancy.

The Consultant team, under the guidance and management of the IPSC project, will oversee provide technical expertise in the status assessment process participating in the strategy development process, according to the tasks and deliverables below:

  1. Tasks and Responsibilities/ Deliverables and Implementation Plan

The selected consultants will undertake the following tasks in close cooperation with EcoTruck, the IPSC PE team, and IPSC senior management. The selected consultants will be responsible for all the tasks and deliverables listed in the table below. All deliverables must be agreed to and approved by the Ecotruck’s representative.

The number of consultant days listed for each task is an estimate designed to assist consultant in planning and competing activities within a certain period of time The Consultants are encouraged to discuss the feasibility of allocated days and propose adjustments, if needed.


Consultant 1: Lead Strategic Consultant

The Lead Strategic Consultant will oversee the activity implementation with the other 2 consultants while providing technical expertise in the strategic planning process, according to the tasks and deliverables below. All deliverables must be agreed to and approved by EcoTruck’s representative.



Expected Deliverables

Tentative Due date




Conduct the current status (As-Is) assessment for EcoTruck

–          Conduct a kick-off workshop to present and agree with Ecotruck management on the strategic planning process

–          Organize a workshop to engage EcoTruck’s middle managers in the process of a company self-assessment.

–          Provide current status (as-is) assessment framework and templates while providing guidance for EcoTruck staff to conduct their company self-assessment.

–          Develop an independent review on EcoTruck’s current business and financial status (As-Is) through management interviews and data collection and analysis

–          Conduct a review workshop to consolidate all internal and external views on EcoTruck’s current business and financial status.

Proposal on the strategic planning process customized for Ecotruck

Methodological framework for current status (as-is) assessment and relevant templates

The current status (As-Is) assessment report covering the following content:

–          Business model: product/ service portfolio, target markets, market access channels, customer services and necessary resources and partner

–          Financial status: overview and analysis of the financial performance for the past three (03) years by end of 2024

The detailed report will be written in Vietnamese, with an executive summary provided in English.

20 Feb 2025

15 days


Conduct market research and analysis for the logistics B2B domestic market

–          Conduct a workshop to facilitate and provide guidance to EcoTruck’s middle managers on conducting market analysis (includes the regular touchpoints) and present the research results prior to the commencement of Task 3.

–          Conduct independent desk research to analyze relevant external factors impacting EcoTruck’s future growth in the logistics B2B domestic market.

–          Conduct voice-of-customer analysis to identify the key drivers and needs with mutual consultation with EcoTruck (identify up to five (05) customers to conduct an interview).

–          Develop a final report consolidating all internal and external views on EcoTruck’s external factors in the logistics B2B domestic market.

The market research report should be based on public and readily available secondary data and information, covering the following content:

–          The current state and trends of the logistics B2B domestic market focusing on competitive factors and potential growth.

–          The regulatory environment and potential impacts on the business.

–          Assess the competitive landscape, including major players and their market share (if any).

The detailed report will be written in Vietnamese, with an executive summary provided in English

30 Mar 2025

14 days


Review and update the logistic B2B domestic market’s strategy & plan for three (03) years (2025-2027):

–          Provide a methodological framework for business strategy development, based on industry leading practices, to assist EcoTruck in formulating their three (03) year 2025 – 2027 business strategy plans (with business strategy planning and financial planning frameworks).

–          Conduct a workshop to facilitate and provide guidance to finalize the development of the business strategy.

Methodological framework for business strategy planning, financial planning frameworks and relevant templates.


The final updated business strategy.



The detailed report will be written in Vietnamese, with an executive summary provided in English

15 May 2025

30 days

Period of Performance, and location

  • Tentative Period of performance: Jan 15 -May 31, 2025
  • Estimated Level of Effort: 59 consultant days
  • Location:                      Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, with travel to other provinces if required


Requirements for qualification of Offeror
  • Vietnamese national
  • Master’s degree or higher education in management, business administration, economics or other related fields.
  • Extensive experience working with companies in the transportation, logistics and warehouse areas and a deep understanding of unique challenges and opportunities these companies face. Experience with technology in the related area is preferred.
  • Diverse knowledge about production models and business processes in factories in Vietnam, with a minimum of five (05) years of experience in business operations management, as well as experience in developing and implementing business strategies.
  • Strong coaching, communication and interpersonal skills, with experience working collaboratively with clients and stakeholders at all levels of the organization.
  • A high level of professionalism and demonstrated ability from previous assignments to ensure the timeline.
  • Fluency in Vietnamese and English.
  • The Consultant should have a proven track record of success in delivering similar projects in the past three years. References and examples of past work are required.


Consultant 2Business Capacity Assessment Consultant

The Business Capacity Assessment Consultant will oversee the activity implementation with the two other consultants while providing technical expertise in the strategic planning process, according to the tasks and deliverables below. All deliverables must be agreed upon and approved by EcoTruck’s representative.



Expected Deliverables

Tentative Due date

Estimated LOE


Conduct the current status (As-Is) assessment for EcoTruck

–          Conduct a kick-off workshop to present and agree with Ecotruck management on the strategic planning process

–          Organize a workshop to engage EcoTruck’s middle managers in the process of a company self-assessment.

–          Provide current status (as-is) assessment framework and templates while providing guidance for EcoTruck staff to conduct their company self-assessment.

–          Develop an independent review on EcoTruck’s current business and financial status (As-Is) through management interviews and data collection and analysis

–          Conduct a review workshop to consolidate all internal and external views on EcoTruck’s current business and financial status.

Proposal on the strategic planning process customized for Ecotruck

Methodological framework for current status (as-is) assessment and relevant templates

The current status (As-Is) assessment report covering following content:

–          Business model: product/ service portfolio, target markets, market access channels, customer services and necessary resources and partner

–          Financial status: overview and analysis of the financial performance for the past three (03) years by end of 2024

The detailed report will be written in Vietnamese, with an executive summary provided in English.

20 Feb 2025

30 days


Review and update the logistic B2B domestic market’s strategy & plan for three (03) years (2025-2027):

–          Provide a methodological framework for business strategy development, based on industry leading practices, to assist EcoTruck in formulating their three (03) year 2025 – 2027 business strategy plans (with business strategy planning and financial planning frameworks).

–          Conduct a workshop to facilitate and provide guidance to finalize the development of the business strategy.

Methodological framework for business strategy planning, financial planning frameworks and relevant templates.


The final updated business strategy.



The detailed report will be written in Vietnamese, with an executive summary provided in English

15 May 2025

15 days

Period of Performance, and location

  • Tentative Period of performance: Jan 15- May 31, 2025
  • Estimated Level of Effort: 45 consultant days
  • Location:                      Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, with travel to other provinces if required


Requirements for qualification of Offeror
  • Vietnamese national
  • Master’s degree or higher education in management, business administration, economics or other related fields.
  • Extensive experience working with companies in the transportation, logistics and warehouse areas and a deep understanding of unique challenges and opportunities these companies face. Experience with technology in the related area is preferred.
  • Diverse knowledge about production models and business processes in factories in Vietnam, with a minimum of five (05) years of experience in business operations management, as well as experience in developing and implementing business strategies.
  • Strong coaching, communication and interpersonal skills, with experience working collaboratively with clients and stakeholders at all levels of the organization.
  • A high level of professionalism and demonstrated ability from previous assignments to ensure the timeline.
  • Fluency in Vietnamese and English.
  • The Consultant should have a proven track record of success in delivering similar projects in the past three years. References and examples of past work are required.


 Consultant 3 – Market research Consultant



Expected Deliverables

Tentative Due date

Estimated LOE


Conduct market research and analysis for the logistics B2B domestic market

–          Conduct a workshop to facilitate and provide guidance to EcoTruck’s middle managers on conducting market analysis (includes the regular touchpoints) and present the research results before the commencement of Task 3.

–          Conduct independent desk research to analyze relevant external factors impacting EcoTruck’s future growth in the logistics B2B domestic market.

–          Conduct voice-of-customer analysis to identify the key drivers and needs with mutual consultation with EcoTruck (identify up to five (05) customers to conduct an interview).

–          Develop a final report consolidating all internal and external views on EcoTruck’s external factors in the logistics B2B domestic market.

The market research report should be based on public and readily available secondary data and information, covering the following content:

–          The current state and trends of the logistics B2B domestic market focusing on competitive factors and potential growth.

–          The regulatory environment and potential impacts on the business.

–          Assess the competitive landscape, including major players and their market share (if any).

The detailed report will be written in Vietnamese, with an executive summary provided in English

30 Mar 2025

37 days


Review and update the logistic B2B domestic market’s strategy & plan for three (03) years (2025-2027):

–          Provide a methodological framework for business strategy development, based on industry leading practices, to assist EcoTruck in formulating their three (03) year 2025 – 2027 business strategy plans (with business strategy planning and financial planning frameworks).

–          Conduct a workshop to facilitate and provide guidance to finalize the development of the business strategy.

Methodological framework for business strategy planning, financial planning frameworks and relevant templates.


The final updated business strategy.



The detailed report will be written in Vietnamese, with an executive summary provided in English

15 May 2025

14 days

Period of Performance, and location

  • Tentative Period of performance: Jan 15- May 31, 2025
  • Estimated Level of Effort:           51 consultant days
  • Location:                      Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, with travel to other provinces if required


Requirements for qualification of Offeror
  • Vietnamese national
  • Master’s degree or higher education in management, business administration, economics or other related fields.
  • Extensive experience working with companies in the transportation, logistics and warehouse areas and a deep understanding of unique challenges and opportunities these companies face. Experience with technology in the related area is preferred.
  • Diverse knowledge about production models and business processes in factories in Vietnam, with a minimum of five (05) years of experience in business operations management, as well as experience in developing and implementing business strategies.
  • Strong coaching, communication and interpersonal skills, with experience working collaboratively with clients and stakeholders at all levels of the organization.
  • A high level of professionalism and demonstrated ability from previous assignments to ensure the timeline.
  • Fluency in Vietnamese and English.
  • The Consultant should have a proven track record of success in delivering similar projects in the past three years. References and examples of past work are required.


Submission of Application:

  • Applicants are encouraged to submit a team profile including the CVs of three experts, clearly specifying the name of the proposed consultant for each position, along with a technical proposal outlining the implementation methodology to: [email protected] by the latest  30 p.m on 22 December 2024

Subject line:

“Application to technical assistance support package to Ecotruck Technology JSC”


USAID Improving Private Sector Competitiveness Key Concepts and Definitions 

  • Small and Growing Business (SGB): An organization/economic unit of Vietnam, including enterprises, under the provisions of the Law on Enterprises, cooperatives operating under the provisions of the Law on Cooperatives, and business households registered in accordance with Vietnamese laws, which employs no more than 500 full-time employees, has growth potential but lacks the resources of knowledge, finance, human resources, and technology to realize its goals and growth potential.
  • Pioneering SGBs or Pioneering Enterprises (PEs): A growing Vietnamese enterprise with Vietnamese-branded products, good competitiveness, the ability to lead and expand in the industry, sector, and locality, good management capacity and willingness to innovate and produce products with high added value, the vision/objective to build a Vietnamese brand in the international market.
  • Business Development Service Provider (BDSP): Agencies, organizations and enterprises in both the public and private sectors with functions, duties/business lines that provide non-financial services to support enterprises in improving operational efficiency and business development.
  • Business Support Organization (BSO): An organization with the function and mission to connect and support business development, often including business associations/clubs, industries, etc.
  • Department of Planning and Investment (DPI): A specialized agency of the Provincial People’s Committee, which functions as a consultancy and assists the Provincial People’s Committee in managing planning and investment, including the management of domestic and foreign investment in the province; management of official development assistance (ODA) sources, concessional loans from donors, foreign non-governmental aids; Business registration within the province; providing public services within the scope of state management of the Department in accordance with the laws.


   Job Details  
Job location:
Ho Chi Minh
Application deadline:
Send application to:
Job Types: