Consultancy Service on Development of Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Plans

With the support of the CBM CEARO, the National Institute of Agricultural Planning and Projection(NIAPP) is implementing a project namely Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction and Income Diversification for ethnic minorities of Viet Nam. The Project Goal is “To increase disaster resilient of the ethnic minorities in Viet Nam”, the Long term Objective  of the project is “Good practice of Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction and diversified income for ethnic minority in Central Highland of Viet Nam is implemented by local government and communities, and promoted nationally “.

In November 2015, the project supported the establishment of  (DRR) Technical Assistance Groups in Kon Tum city and five project communes/ward namely Doan Ket, Dak Nang, Dak Ro Wa, Chu Hreng and Thang Loi. Each group consisted three people. Those people were provided a 5-day training course on Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Assessment in November 2015. Then, Doan Ket is the first commune that is supported in development of the commune and village DiDRR plans. A DiDRA exercise was conducted in Doan Ket commune in January 2016 and the development of village and commune DiDRR Plans is under process. It is planned that the DiDRA Plans of five villages and Doan Ket commune will be completed by the end of June 2016. The results and experiences on DiDRA and DiDRR planning in Doan Ket commune will be applied for the remaining communes/wards.

In Quarter 3 and 4 this year, the project will support four project target communes including Vinh Quang, Dak Nang, Dak Rowa, Chu Hreng and Thang Loi ward to develop Commune DiDRR Plans.

NIAPP is seeking a consultant to support four communes of Vinh Quang, Dak Nang, Dak Rowa, Chu Hreng and Thang Loi ward, Kon Tum city to develop Commune Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Plans.

The applicants should prepare (i) A letter of interest (1 page); (ii) Technical proposal that presents how the consultant would implement this assignment, and proposed budget ; and (iii) the most updated CV.

These documents should be sent to [email protected]; [email protected]

The deadline of the application submission is 17h00, 10 August 2016.

Details in attachments below or via website

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2016-08-10