Consultancy service for producing animated videos for the Vision Zero Fund project in Viet Nam

Terms of Reference

Producing animated videos for the Vision Zero Fund project in Viet Nam

1. Background & Rationale

The project “Improving OSH and social conditions for women and men in coffee farmer communities in Viet Nam and Indonesia” (hereafter referred to as the Vision Zero Fund – VZF project) is implemented by the ILO Vision Zero Fund (VZF) in partnership with the Société des Produits Nestlé S.A. and Nestrade S.A. The project aims to improve workplace safety and health, labour law compliance, social protection and gender equality in the coffee supply chains in Viet Nam and Indonesia. End beneficiaries include smallholder farms, collectors and coffee processing facilities and their workforce including workers cultivating, collecting, and processing coffee.

The project in Viet Nam has been designed and strategized based on the good practices and lessons learned from the previous ILO VZF Viet Nam- Nestlé partnership project, implemented during June 2022-March 2024. It focuses on improving OSH in the coffee supply chain through two main outcomes: (i)) Strengthened national and regional enabling environments for the promotion of workplace safety and health, labour law compliance, social protection and gender equality in the coffee supply chains, and (ii)) Women and men workers in the coffee supply chains benefit from improved access to their rights to a safe and healthy working environment, social protection, and reduced exposure to OSH risks in the context of climate change.

According to the ILO-VZF report[1], around 95 per cent of Viet Nam’s coffee production is dominated by privately operated farms, the majority of which are smallholder farms. Additionally, appropriately 50 per cent of the 1.4 million Vietnamese workers involved in coffee production are women, mainly undertaking unpaid household work. Overall, a significant proportion of workers belong to vulnerable groups, including seasonable workers who are mostly employed during the coffee harvest, ethnic minorities, internal migrants, and young workers. These workers, together with other informal workers do not usually have contracts, are not covered by insurance schemes, and lack access to OSH training. This project therefore works together with national partners, Nestlé team in Viet Nam and other stakeholders to raise awareness among coffee farm owners, households, and individual workers about the key elements of the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work as recognized by the ILO. The focus is on improved access to OSH and social security, promoting the issuance of employmentcontracts compliant with national laws and regulations.

To ensure the effectiveness of the awareness-raising activities, it is crucial to use innovative and essay-to-understand forms of communication such as animated videos, to deliver key messages to the targeted audience.  

2. Objective and Scope of Work

The assignment aims to produce three (03) short animation video clips, each lasting 1.5 to 2 minutes. This contributes to increasing awareness on the following three topics:

  • Benefits of Promoting Good Practices in Issuing Written Employment Contracts with Farm Workers:
  1. Benefits for farm managers;
  2. Benefits for workers; and
  3. Key contents of the employment contract template.
  • Retention of Seasonal Farm Workers’ Original ID Cards.
  1. Why this should not be a practice?
  • Providing Safe and Healthy Accommodation for Temporary Workers During Harvest Season:
  1. Importance of safe and healthy living conditions; and
  2. Impact on workers’ well-being and productivity.

Specifically, the video clips should use animated images to clearly and effectively illustrate the benefits that farmers can gain, including improved work safety and strengthened livelihoods and resilience in this context of climate change by adopting these recommended measures. In addition, pictures or scenes in the video clip should be related to coffee sector.

3. Specific tasks:

Under this assignment, the service provider/consultant shall implement the following tasks:

  • Kick-off Meeting: Participate in a kick-off meeting with the ILO and Nestle’s representatives to understand the context and specific needs for the video clips.
  • Script Development: Review key video messages and reference resources provided by the ILO and Nestleto develop and finalize video clips’ scripts, including specific scenarios.
  • Voice Narration: Develop voice narration in Vietnamese language.
  • Animation and Visual Effects: Design aminations and visual effects for the video clips.
  • Finalization of 03 Video Clips:
  1. Incorporate messages to promote the good practice inissuing written employmentcontracts for farm workers, discourage the retention of seasonal workers’ original IDs, and emphasize the importance of providing a safe and healthy working environment;
  2. Transcribe and translate the contents into English;
  3. Add voice narration in Vietnamese language;
  4. Add English sub-titles for the videos; and
  5. Add music track.
  • International Version: Prepare an international version of the video (without subtitles and music).

Throughout the assignment, the service provider will work closely with the VZF project team in Viet Nam and the ILO Communication and Information Management Officer, who will provide guidance and further ideas and suggestions during the process of producing the videos.

4. Technical specifications

The video style shouldeffectively convey the messages to the target audiences, ensuring that the human essence of the brand identity is maintained, even without the use of photography. A branding guideline and audiovisual files will be provided with the selected service provider.Service providers/individuals can refer to the similar clip provided by the ILO[2].

The music needs to be copyrighted and the license needs to be provided in case copyright claims are made following upload.

5. Deliverables and proposed timeline

The service provider will deliver the following products:



Proposed timeline for submission


Join the kick-off meeting with the ILO and Nestle team

By 20 November 2024


Review reference resources provided by the Project, develop, and finalize video clips’ scripts, including specific scenarios

By 30 November 2024


Develop and finalize voice narration in Vietnamese.

Having the narration translated into English

By 15 December 2024


Design and finalize aminations and visual effects for the video clips

By 15 December 2024


Voice narration samples submitted; final record available

By 20 December 2024


First draft of 03 videos submitted to the ILO

By 25 December 2024


Final video, in two versions:

  • 03 Main version: Vietnamese narration with English sub-titles throughout
  • 03 videos in international version 

By 20 January 2025

6. Proposal submission:

Interested service providers, including media companies and individual consultants, are invited to submit their technical and financial proposals (including your team’s CVs/profiles/portfolios with at least 03 sample products) via email to Ms. Nguyen Hai Linh (Sr. Project Assistant) at [email protected] no later than 17:00 GMT+7, November 05, 2024.

Please use the following text for your email subject line: Proposal for Animation Video Production – [Name of your company/individual consultant].

[1]ILO-VZF, 2023: Drivers and constraints for occupational safety and health improvements in the Viet Nam coffee supply chain - Assessment Report


Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Tue, 2024-11-05