Consultancy Service for Provision of Special Education Services for Children with Disabilities


Provision of Special Education Services for Children with Disabilities


The International Center (formerly known as Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation -VVAF) is a humanitarian organization that has addressed the consequences of war through advocacy and service programs in Vietnam for the last three decades. As a co-founder of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, IC-VVAF was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997. The International Center (IC) now focuses on disability support, landmine removal, and mental health programs.

Under the financial support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), IC is implementing a Disability Inclusion Project IIb for Binh Dinh and Kon Tum provinces as a sub-implementing partner for this project. IC is responsible for implementing the Objective One of the project which is to expand the rehabilitation services to contribute to the Goal “which is to improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities in provinces heavily sprayed with Agent Orange, namely Binh Dinh and Kon Tum”.

Three expected results include:

  1. Ensured accessibility and quality of multi-disciplinary rehabilitation services
  2. Improved rehabilitation system for the provinces
  3. Improved Governance of the rehabilitation service system

In order to achieve the objectives mentioned above, a wide range of activities will be implemented in the two project provinces as well as at the central level. Rehabilitation service provision is implemented following the relevant steps to service delivery, this includes need assessment and prescription, service provision, and outcome measurement. These steps in service delivery are required in order to ensure that people with mobility disabilities receive appropriate and quality holistic rehab service.

To supplement the effort of the Government to provide rehabilitation services to persons with disabilities in the provinces, IC’s project plans on identifying private service providers that can support and provide comprehensive rehab services to persons with disabilities. IC is looking for individuals/firms to provide Special Education/ Speech Therapies for children with disabilities, particularly children with developmental disorders.


The qualified individuals/ firms will carry out the following services: 

- Scope of work:

  • Provide Special Education/ Speech Therapies for children with disabilities in Binh Dinh, including, but not limited to, need assessment, individual intervention plans development, intervention services provision following the intervention plans, and outcome measurement for people with disabilities in Binh Dinh.
  • Comply with the project's procedures and instructions for providing special education/ speech therapies in the assigned area.

- Deliverables:

  • List of children with disabilities achieved/not achieved the intervention goals;
  • Profile of the children with detailed information about interventions, process and results with evidence showing the improvement after the intervention;
  • A report summarizing the results of the intervention, pros and cons, and suggestions and recommendations, if needed.


Qualifications and Experience Required:

  • Experience in providing special education-speech therapies for children with disabilities.
  • Working with USAID projects is an advantage.


  • Teamwork, professionalism, flexibility, and an understanding of working with people from diverse backgrounds.
  • Having dedication and ability to learn, to work independently and in groups, high sense of responsibility. 
  • Understand the local context and partnership.


The consultants will work under the direct supervision and evaluation of Program Directors and Project Officers.


Individual(s)/firms interested in this mission are invited to submit your applications, either by email (to [email protected]) or by post (to The International Center, Room 103, B3 Building, Van Phuc Diplomatic Compound, 298 Kim Ma, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Vietnam).

Please state “Application for the ………….” in the subject line or on the envelope. The shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Applications should include:

  • Expression of Interest (including work plan and estimated budget);
  • CVs demonstrating relevant capacity and experience

Deadline for submission: 5 August 2024.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2024-08-05