Consultant to the Advisory Program for Electronics SMEs


Consultant to the Advisory Program for Electronics SMEs

1.      Background

Better Work Vietnam, a joint program of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the International Finance Corporation. As part of the effort of promoting improved working conditions, worker well-being in sustainable enterprises in Vietnamese garment sector and electronics sectors, the program plans to provide an advisory program to supports electronics enterprises, particularly SMEs, in meeting labor standards in the global supply chain (Advisory program).

BWV is seeking an experienced consultant to provide technical inputs for the design and implementation of the Advisory program.

For more information about the programme see

2.      Scope of assignment

The consultant is expected to complete the following deliverables as part of the contract:

  • Supporting BWV in developing networks with electronics SMES in the South and understanding   limitations of SMEs’ capacity to meet labor standards in the global supply chains
  • Providing BWV with technical inputs for designing the Advisory program which are relevant to the demands and priorities of the SMEs
  • Providing BWV with technical inputs to the detailed agenda and making relevant presentations in industry seminars organized under the Advisory program
  • Regularly following up with SMEs to ensure that they have sufficient information about activities under the Advisory Program and fully participate in those activities.
  • Supporting BWV in conducting surveys (designing surveys and sending surveys to factories), factory visits (if any) and organizing the review workshop at the end of Advisory Program.

3.      Detailed workplan, working days and timeline


Working day


1          Supporting BWV in developing networks with electronics SMES in the South and understanding   limitations of SMEs’ capacity to meet labor standards in the global supply chains

2 days

By 22 Jan 2024

2          Providing BWV with technical inputs for adopting the Advisory program to the demands and priorities of the SMEs

3 days

February - March 2024

3          Providing BWV with technical inputs to the detailed agenda and organization of industry seminars under the Advisory program

4 days

February - March 2024

4          Providing BWV with technical inputs to adapt the Factory Improvement Toolset for electronics factories (including meeting with BWV’s experts and  comments on the adapted materials)

5 days

5          Regularly following up with SMEs to ensure that they have sufficient information about activities under the Advisory Program and fully participate in those activities.

3 days

6          Supporting BWV in designing surveys and sending the surveys to factories; conducting factory visits (if any) and organizing the review workshop at the end of Advisory Program.

3 days

Feb 2024 – March 2024


20 days



4.      Deliverables

  • List of SMEs in the South (Binh Duong, Dong Nai, Ho Chi Minh)
  • Suggestions on materials of the Advisory Program
  • Suggestions and comments on the seminars’ agendas and presentations (if any)
  • Comments on the adapted Factory Improvement Toolset modules
  • Suggestions and comments on the surveys (contents and methods to collect information)
  • Suggestions and comments on the agendas of the review workshop

5.      Requirements for the consultant

  • At least 5 years’ experience working in the electronics sector
  • Experience and knowledge of promoting labor compliances and social dialogue in global supply chains
  • Experience and knowledge of capacity building activities for SMEs in the electronics sector
  • Good English skills
  • Have strong network with the SMEs in the electronics sector is an advantage
  • Experience and knowledge of projects funded by ILO and other UN Agencies is an advantage.

6.      Contract duration

This contract would commence on 19 Jan 2024 and conclude on 25 March 2024.

7.      Reporting

The consultant will report to Mr Pham Quoc Thuan – the Enterprise Advisor Team Leader – email: [email protected]

8.      Application process

Application must be submitted the CV in English to the Better Work Vietnam and proposed daily rate, at [email protected] by 18.00, 19 Jan 2024.


Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Fri, 2024-01-19