Consultant to Conduct Training Courses

WWF-Vietnam is seeking a consultant to conduct a series training courses as bellowing:

  • Training on Farmer Field School approach
  • Training on developing communication materials for CSA model for famer
  • Training on developing communication materials for CSA model and wetland conservation work for teacher of local elementary school.
  • Training on communication techniques elementary school event and rural community public events

This ToR specify tasks and responsibilities of the consultant hired under the assignment.

Requirements for consultant

  • Master degree or university degree in relevant areas
  • Proven experiences in participatory training, communication skills, particularly for tailored courses and communications for targeting different groups (farmers, fishing families, school children)
  • Knowledgeable of climate change adaptation
  • Understanding of wetland values and familiarity with the communities in the Mekong Delta is an advantage
  • Interest candidates submit the application in English to [email protected] by 20 March 2016.

The eligible application includes:

(1) Letter of interest
(2) CV
(3) Tentative workplan and delivable outputs and rate of consultant fee

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Sun, 2016-03-20