Consultant to Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All (SSH4A) Programme (Draft) Development and Production of WASH IEC Materials December 2011

In 2010, SNV up-scaled its activities as part of its Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All Programme aiming for district wide sanitation coverage and access to hygiene promotion for 11,000 households in three North West Provinces, through community-led action, strengthening of sanitation supply chains, WASH governance and innovative behavioral change communication.  The programme currently reaches 116 villages (all villages of Muong Ang district with 8,378 hhs and 40,506 inhabitants) in Dien Bien; 15 villages (with 790 households and 3,657 inhabitants) in Lao Cai and 18 villages (with 1,463 households and 6,982 inhabitants) in Lai Chau province, making a total number of villages covered by the program to 149. As part of developing the behaviour change communication component, formative research was undertaken in October - November 2010 by SNV WASH team together with Dien Bien Provincial Center for Preventive Medicine (CPM). The purpose of the formative research was to identify motivations and barriers to safe sanitation and hygiene behaviours and introduce the government partners to its use in developing behaviour change communications. It also introduced FOAM as a theoretical framework. The information obtained during the formative research has informed the development of draft innovative localized behavioural change communication (BCC) strategies with the responsible line agencies in the three Provinces

As part of the strategy development a workshop was held in Hanoi with the participation of local clients, SNV WASH program staff and IEC experts from NCERWASS and MOH Center for Health Propaganda and Communication. The workshop has come up with key BCC strategies and some key (draft) ideas on BCC messages as well. 

These messages have been pre-tested, fine tuned with the target groups to ensure that they are suitable both in terms of contents and language with the target audiences.

1. These messages are to be used for all WASH communication activities. This assignment is aimed at translating and incorporating the identified messages on WASH into concrete IEC materials, i.e. Video clip(s) and posters (see the attached report on pre-testing of messages).


SNV is seeking a highly qualified organization or team to conduct the development and production of the following IEC Materials:

- Assignment A: A Video Clip of 2-3 minute length on sanitation and hygiene, focusing on promotion of latrine construction, use and maintenance / ODF (Open Defecation Free.  The target audiences are ethnic minority groups, in particularly mothers/child care-takers. The key messages include: “Convenience-Privacy, Dryness-Hygiene” and “Healthy people – Clean Village”.
Assignment B: A poster on Hand-washing with soap: The target audience is primary schoolchildren. The key messages include: “Clean hands – Clean books” and “Clean hands makes you a distinguished pupil”
Assignment C: Duplication of existing IEC materials (produced by MOH/UNICEF and by MOH/ITI) provided by the programme (making VCD copies of 3 educational vide films on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)


The main objectives of these assignments are to develop and produce a set of IEC materials on Sanitation and Hygiene to be used in BCC (Behavior Change Communication) sessions in the project areas.
Video Clip: to be used at small group meetings to promote ethnic minority people to construct, use and maintain the latrine hygienically.
Poster: to be used at primary schools to promote schoolchildren to wash their hands with soap properly.
Copied Video films: to be used at small group meetings/training to promote ethnic minority people to construct, use and maintain the latrine hygienically.


Specific Tasks for the consultancy include:

Video Clip:
Review the relevant project documents and reports (such as Baseline survey, Formative Research, Pre-testing of Messages)
Develop scenario and script
Consult with SNV BCC Advisor to get an agreement on the content
Produce the Video Clip (with the key message and with the involvement of the UNICEF WASH Goodwill Ambassador, Mr. Xuan Bac)
Making 200 VCD copies of the Video Clip
Poster on HWWS:
Review the relevant project documents and reports (such as Baseline survey, Formative Research, Pre-testing of Messages)
Design the layout (with the key message and with the involvement of the UNICEF WASH Goodwill Ambassador, Mr. Xuan Bac)
Consult with SNV BCC Advisor to get an agreement on the content
Finalize the layout and Produce the positive film.
Print 4,000 copies
Duplication of 3 existing video films on WASH:
Making 100 copies (VCD) of the Video Film named “A visit to the homeland”
Making 100 copies (VCD) of the Video Film named “A Story of the Village Pond”
Making 100 copies of the Video Film named “Sanitation Techniques”


5.1. Time Frame:
- Submission of proposal: cob 17:30 on 14 December 2011
- Submission of final products: by 31 December 2011

5.2. Key Deliverables:

Video Clip:
Scenario and script
200 recorded VCDs
Draft Layout of the poster
Final layout with the negative film ready for printing.
4,000 copies of the poster (size: 45cm X 60 cm; coucher paper 250; colors: 4; packing: 50 ea/pack)
300 copies (VCD) of the Education films on WASH.


The payment will be effected in two segments: ­
Advance: 50% of the total contracted value one week after the contract signing date
Final payment: 50% after submission and approval of the products ­


The consultant team leader and team members should have ­
Professional qualification on IEC materials development and production
Good understanding and experience in producing IEC materials on WASH
­Good understanding and experience in working with the ethnic minorities in the North West Region


The consulting organization / team is to submit its proposals that includes:
The scenario/script of the Video Clip
The draft layout of the poster
Working schedule of the team
Detailed Budget requirements. 

The proposal should be submitted in one signed (and stamped in case of an organizational applicant) hard copy in Vietnamese or alternatively by email to the contact person below no later than 17.30 on Wednesday 14nd December, 2011 at the following address:

The Netherlands Development Organization (SNV)
6th Floor, Building B, La Thanh Hotel
218 Doi Can, Ba Dinh, Hanoi
Tel.: (+84 ­4) 3846 3791
Fax: (+84 ­4) 3846 3794
ATTN: Petra Rautavuoma, WASH Program Leader

Contact person

For information and guidance, please contact

Petra Rautavuoma
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Program Leader
Tel.: (+84 ­4) 3846 3791
Fax: (+84 ­4) 3846 3794
Mobile: (+84 – 120) 4462 202
Email: [email protected]


Nguyen Quang Quynh
WASH Behavior Change Communication Advisor
Tel.: (+84 ­4) 3846 3791
Fax: (+84 ­4) 3846 3794
Mobile: (+84 – 132) 26613
Email: [email protected]

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2011-12-14