Consultant team providing In-depth Technical Assistance to Scale-up Digital Transformation – Deployment of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solution

Scope of Work

A consultant team providing In-depth Technical Assistance for Thanh Giong Computing JSC.,

to Scale-up Digital Transformation – Deployment of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solution


The purpose of the USAID Improving Private Sector Competitiveness (IPSC) Activity is to remove constraints and build the competitiveness of small and growing businesses (SGBs) in Vietnam, including those led by vulnerable populations. With this activity, USAID/Vietnam is supporting Vietnam’s competitiveness: vertically at the policy, market, and firm-level; and horizontally by working along the entire spectrum of enterprise growth models, from household businesses transforming into registered firms to small firms on the cusp of scaling up. Deloitte Consulting LLP (“Deloitte”) is implementing this Activity on behalf of USAID. The Agency for Enterprise Development (AED) of the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) is the Vietnam Government counterpart of IPSC.

IPSC is made up of four interrelated Objectives:

  • Objective 1. Building business management capacity of SGBs, including those led by vulnerable populations, particularly women and ethnic minorities.
  • Objective 2.  Improving efficiency and productivity by promoting innovation, technology adoption, and sustainable business models.
  • Objective 3.  Enhancing business enabling environment for a broad-based inclusive economy.
  • Objective 4. Strengthening business-to-business (B2B) and cross-sectoral linkages.

Summary of Activities

IPSC is committed to empowering Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) through targeted digital transformation initiatives. By complementing existing government support programs, IPSC offers customized technical assistance tailored to each SGB's specific needs. Implemented since mid-2022, the "Digital Asset Optimization for Business" support program aims to equip SGBs with the tools and knowledge necessary to integrate and optimize digital assets, driving transformative business growth. This includes successful implementation of digital solutions in more than 43% of all SGBs participated, facilitated through 10 training courses reaching 428 SGBs with over 700 participants receiving technical assistance, and coaching sessions provided to 79 SGBs of which more than 20 successfully deployed its digital solutions.

Several SGBs have emerged as successful case studies, demonstrating the transformative power of digital transformation. Nhon Hai Purple Shallot Cooperative, Tam Chien, An Viet Mechanical, HN Green Farm and many others have successfully implemented their digital transformation roadmaps, leading to significant advancements in sales and marketing, product traceability, digital visibility, and overall business performance. These success stories inspire other enterprises to embark on their own digital journeys, unlocking the potential for growth and innovation.

To further accelerate digital transformation, IPSC will provide in-depth technical assistance to a select group of top-performing SGBs, it is expected that at least 20 SGBs will receive in-depth technical support in 2024-2025. These businesses must demonstrate exceptional engagement, actively applying new knowledge and skills throughout the training and coaching process. These businesses have previously participated in various trainings, events and workshops organized by IPSC; After receiving coaching, they have shown a strong commitment to digital transformation and are poised to benefit significantly from further support. Their commitment to investment, ambitious goals, and well-defined digital transformation plans positions them for significant growth. By leveraging IPSC's expertise, these SGBs will be equipped to successfully apply digital solutions and drive transformative change within their organizations.

This scope of work will cover in-depth technical assistance to one (01) top-performing SGB of Thanh Giong JSC., ( It is a manufacturer and distributor of computers, laptops, ICT and mobile equipment. The SGB participated in various IPSC’s activities since the very beginning of the project under ‘Adaptation and Growth’ support package and many other events. They shared their vision and among many challenges facing, Thanh Giong wants to apply a management system that synchronizing all their departments of accounting and finance, sale and business development, inventory and CRM-support center into one system of ERP. The bottleneck for Thanh Giong is they are at the moment using various system, the Board and Manager lost control over their productions, no proper of guaranteed system provided for clients; It is crucial for business like Thanh Giong to continue running and compete in the coming time. Given the support from IPSC, Thanh Giong would apply for an ERP; It is estimated of total investment of 200 million VND.

Overall Objective

IPSC is requesting a group of two (02) consultants to provide intensive support and coaching to Thanh Giong to scale-up the digital transformation within its organization by successfully deploying ERP.  The in-depth technical assistance must ensure SGBs would be able to leverage IPSC’s support, building a successful case where the SGB optimize its digital asset, implementing digital transformation into their businesses to increase productivity and cost-efficiency, thus enhancing SGB's competitiveness.

Tasks and Responsibilities/Deliverables and Implementation Plan

Consultants are expected to form a team comprising of 02 experts to submit a technical proposal and deliver the consulting tasks closely with the SGB and IPSC. The number of consultant days listed for each task is an estimate designed to help the consultants formulate a price proposal for each activity called for in this document. Consultants realistically believe they can perform the tasks at the lower end, or even below the estimated days in this document, can propose fewer days as appropriate. The emphasis of the consultancy is on the outcome of the assignment, the following deliverables. All deliverables must be agreed to and approved by SGB’s representative.

Consultant 1: Team Lead

The Team Lead, in collaboration closely with Consultant 2 – ERP Expert, will be responsible for all the final tasks and deliverables of this SOW, and sole responsible for the specific tasks and deliverables listed in the table below.




Tentative Due date

Estimated level of efforts


Workplan preparation

  • Facilitate and coordinate consultative sessions with SGBs to ensure clear comprehension of expectations and project timeline.
  • Conduct kick-off meeting to finalize workplan.

01 detailed workplan showing milestones and key activities

30 Sept 2024

1 day


Onsite Need Assessment

  • Conduct surveys/ consultations with SGBs’ key stakeholders to understand business needs and objectives.
  • Perform a comprehensive onsite assessment of the existing system's capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses.
  • Analyze and identify gaps between the current system and the desired ERP.
  • Collaborate with Consultant 2 to deliver the report.

01 short report on need assessment



5 Oct 2024

2 days


Solution design

  • Develop conceptual and technical designs for modules relevant and meeting the SGB’s needs. 

01 meeting minute accepted and signed by the SGB

15 Oct 2024

5 days


Supervise, customize and installation of DX solution

  • Monitor the implementation progress and facilitate regular meetings, progress updates, and risk assessments with relevant stakeholders.
  • Oversee the customizations within the ERP system, ensure following best practices and meet SGB’s expectation.
  • Document comprehensive project reports, highlighting achievements, lesson learns and recommendations.

01 report of ERP Go-live accepted and signed by the SGB


30 Oct 2024

5 days



A comprehensive Report for the in-depth technical assistance at end of the contract including the following sections: 1) Executive Summary; 2) Context and Objectives; 3) Services Delivered, including who provided the support; 4) Results Achieved; 5) Lessons Learned (including both success and failures, with documentation of all lessons of the businesses along with the agreement of these businesses to share widely in the community); 6) Recommendations; 7) Sustainability Analysis; and 8) Required IPSC Monitoring and Evaluation Data.

01 Final Report on the in-depth technical assistance

31 Dec 2024

2 days


TOTAL level of effort

15 days

Qualification of selected expert

  • Vietnamese national.
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher education in software engineering, ICT, or other related fields with minimum of 10 years of relevant IT consulting professional experience.
  • Extensive experience in software/data base development, ERP system design, plan, and integration.
  • Extensive experience in company governance, financial & accounting, sales & marketing human, and resource management.
  • A high level of professionality and demonstrated ability from previous assignments to ensure the timeline.
  • Strong coaching, communication, and facility in working with teams.
  • Fluency in Vietnamese and English is a plus.

Consultant 2: ERP Expert

Consultant 2, in collaboration with both Consultant 1 – Team Lead, to carry out the SOW, with primary responsibility for specific tasks and deliverables listed below.




Tentative Due date

Estimated level of efforts


Onsite Assessment

  • Gather data on the SGB’s current process, system and performance matric.
  • Align the needs of DX with SGB’s goal.
  • Identify what ERP modules are most relevant for the SGB.
  • Outline SMART implementation plan required to address the identified needs and achieve desired outcomes.

01 short report on need assessment (SMART implementation plan as part of the need assessment)



15 Oct 2024

2 days


System customization

  • Execute customizations for the existing ERP system and other DX software systems that SGBs.
  • Address any issues or discrepancies identified during the testing phase through iterative refinement and adjustment.

01 meeting minute accepted and signed by the SGB

15 Oct 2024

5 days


Training and Knowledge Transfer

  • Provide training sessions for end-users and key stakeholders to familiarize them with the new functions.
  • Develop comprehensive documentation, user guides, and training materials to support ongoing usage and maintenance of the system.

01 report of ERP Go-live accepted and signed by the SGB


30 Oct 2024

5 days


Post-implementation support

  • Offer support and troubleshooting assistance to address any issues or concerns arising post-implementation.

Post-implementation support completion confirmation signed by the SGB.

15 Dec 2024

3 days


TOTAL level of effort

15 days

Qualification of selected expert

  • Vietnamese national.
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher education in software engineering, ICT, or other related fields
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in the manufacturing field with a good knowledge of fundamental modules supporting the administrative, financial, operational and production activities for industrial company.
  • Extensive experience in software/data base development, ERP system design, planning, and integration.
  • Strong coaching, communication, and facility in working with teams and capacity to compose clear and readable narrative reports.
  • A high level of professionalism and demonstrated ability from previous assignments to ensure the timeline.
  • Fluency in Vietnamese and English is a plus.

Place, Period of Performance, and Level of Effort

Level of effort:              Consultant 1 – Team Lead:       15 days

                                          Consultant 2 – ERP Expert:       15 days

Period:                                Starting from 1 October 2024 to 31 December 2024

Location:                             Hanoi and relevant locations

Mode of application submission

  • The Offeror is expected to submit a professional CV with a technical proposal.
  • Proposals are requested to be submitted to email: [email protected] before the deadline of Sep 20, 2024 with a specific title:

Name of applicant - Application to TA for Thanh Giong Computing JSC – Team lead/ ERP Expert

USAID Improving Private Sector Competitiveness Key Concepts and Definitions

  • Small and Growing Business (SGB): An organization/economic unit of Vietnam, including enterprises, under the provisions of the Law on Enterprises, cooperatives operating under the provisions of the Law on Cooperatives, and business households registered in accordance with Vietnamese law, which employs no more than 500 full-time employees, has growth potential but lacks the resources of knowledge, finance, human resources, and technology to realize its goals and growth potential. 
  • Pioneering SGBs or Pioneering Enterprises (PEs): A growing Vietnamese enterprise with Vietnamese-branded products, good competitiveness, the ability to lead and expand in the industry, sector, and locality, good management capacity, and willingness to innovate and produce products with high added value, with the vision/objective to build a Vietnamese brand in the international market.
  • Business Development Service Provider (BDSP): Agencies, organizations, and enterprises in both the public and private sector with functions, duties/business lines providing non-financial services to support enterprises to improve operational efficiency and business development.
  • Business Support Organization (BSO): An organization with the function and mission to connect and support business development, often including business associations/clubs, industries, etc.
Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Fri, 2024-09-20