1. Detailed Description of Tasks to be Performed:
The Cross-Sectoral Steering Committee (CSSC) on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Vietnam was established under Decision 4255/QD-BYT dated 16/11/2023, following the issuance of Decision 1121/QD-BYT dated 25/09/2023 on the National Strategy on AMR Prevention and Control for the period 2023-2030, with a vision toward 2045. The CSSC plays a crucial role in ensuring alignment with the National Strategy and Vietnam’s commitment to the One Health approach, integrating human health, animal health, and environmental sectors.
In light of evolving policies, international commitments, and Vietnam’s National AMR Strategy (NAS), there is a need to revise and update the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the CSSC to enhance its effectiveness in coordinating AMR prevention and control across sectors. This update will reflect expanded responsibilities, particularly incorporating environmental health stakeholders, and ensure the CSSC operates in alignment with current national and international guidelines.
FHI 360 seeks a consultant to work with the Ministry of Health (MOH), the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment (MAE), and other key stakeholders to revise and update the TOR of the CSSC. The consultant will be responsible for consolidating feedback, updating the TOR document, and supporting its endorsement by relevant authorities.
2. Objectives:
The specific tasks for this position include but are not limited to the following:
- Review and draft updates: Analyze exiting TOR based on AMR regulations and strategies, identify gaps, gather stakeholder input (MOH, MAE), and draft an updated TOR incorporating cross-sectoral coordination.
- Finalize and validate: Integrate stakeholder feedback, refine the TOR, and ensure it is ready for approval.
Note: Additional deliverables and working days may be included in a contract modification to align with the agreed-upon plan
3. Scope of work and expected deliverables:
Due Date
Review existing TOR based on AMR regulations and strategies, include environment sector and identify areas for improvement
Develop a draft revised TOR based on stakeholder input
Draft version of updated TOR
18 March
Finalize the revised TOR after consultations from stakeholder
Final TOR document
23 March
Total (days)
Location of work
Hanoi, Vietnam.
The consultant is not expected to travel.
- PhD in Medicine, Public Health or Pharmacy.
- Strong experience in regulation, literature reviews, stakeholder consultations, report consolidation related to AMR in Human Health and Public Health.
- Strong analytical and report writing skills.
- Experience to work with MSA or Ministry of Health on similar work is preferred.
- Good interpersonal skills.
- Previous experience working with government agencies or international organizations in Vietnam or similar contexts is desirable.
Evaluation Criteria
Applications will be evaluated based on the applicants’ experience and qualifications as detailed above.
Required Documentation
Proposals must include the following components:
- Applicant’s CV and highest-level degree
- Letter of interest that briefs relevant qualification and experience
- Proposed daily rate
- FHI 360 Biodata form
- Application to this call should be submitted by email to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] no later than 5PM March 10th, 2025 with subject line “FF_Application for Consultant – Revise and update for AMR CSSC’s TOR”
- All prospective vendors must comply with the safeguarding policies of our organization. Any violations of the policies may result in immediate contract termination without liability for the organization.
Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
FHI 360 Disclaimers
- FHI 360 may perform a background check on any selected candidates
- FHI 360 may cancel the solicitation and not award
- FHI 360 may reject any or all responses received
- Issuance of the solicitation does not constitute an award commitment by FHI 360
- FHI 360 reserves the right to disqualify any offer based on failure of the offeror to follow solicitation instructions
- FHI 360 will not compensate any offeror for responding to solicitation
- FHI 360 reserves the right to issue award based on initial evaluation of offers without further discussion
- FHI 360 may choose to award only part of the activities in the solicitation, or issue multiple awards based on the solicitation activities
- FHI 360 reserves the right to waive minor proposal deficiencies that can be corrected prior to award determination to promote competition
- FHI 360’s supplier terms and conditions can be found here while our consultant terms and conditions can be found here