Import-Export Duties Expert

USAID Trade Facilitation Program


Technical assistance to support dissemination of Decree 18/2021/ND-CP
providing guidelines for the Law on Import and Export Duties

Proposed Personnel:           Local/National STTA Import-Export Duties Expert

Period of Performance:       o/a 12 April – 31 May 2021

Origin/Destination:             Hanoi, Vietnam

Travel Dates:                       n/a

Activity No.                          FY21-1.6.3 [Ad-hoc] – Support the dissemination of Decree 18/2021/ND-CP

MEL indicator(s):                 P-1, IR1-1, IR1.2-2, IR3.1-1, IR3.1-2, IR4.1-1, IR4.1-2 and CLBD-9

Project Background:

The USAID Trade Facilitation Program is a five-year project that aims to support the adoption and implementation of a more risk–based approach to customs and SI institutions in Vietnam. The Program will work with the General Department of Vietnam Customs (GDVC) to strengthen the National Trade Facilitation Committee (NTFC) of Vietnam and its Working Groups; streamline border clearance procedures (including Specialized Inspection (SI) implemented by other line ministries and agencies); harmonize the implementation of risk-based approaches between national and provincial levels; train national and provincial customs officers and staff from other ministries on risk management; and facilitate dialogue between customs and business and between stakeholders in Hanoi and in the provinces.

Activity Background:

Objective: The aim is to provide further technical assistance and support to the Ministry of Finance (MOF) and GDVC to disseminate the new Decree 18/2021/ND-CP dated March 11, 2021 revising Decree 134/2016/ND-CP dated September 01, 2016, providing guidelines for the Law on Export and Import Duties.

Background: In implementation of the Law on Laws (2015), and to meet requirements for revising customs duty policies to solve problems of import-export duty for businesses as required by Resolution 19 of the Government, as well as Directive 15/CT-TTg dated August 31, 2018 on tasks and solutions to promote exports, the MOF proposed to the Government to issue Decree 18/2021/ND-CP revising Decree 134/2016/ND-CP dated September 01, 2016, on guidelines for the Law on Export and Import Duties.

The issuance of Decree 18 helps improve the legal basis for effective implementation of Law No. 107/2016/QH13 dated April 06, 2016, on Export and Import Duties. Tax policies in the new Decree also cover the diverse development of all types of import and export activities in order to solve problems experienced by businesses. Decree 18 also contributes to the reform of administrative procedures to facilitate import and export activities thereby enhancing Vietnam’s national competitiveness.

During 2015-2018, the USAID Governance for Inclusive Growth (GIG) Program assisted and supported the MOF and GDVC to develop the Law on Export and Import Duties and Decree 134/2016/ND-CP. The Import-Export Duties Department of GDVC has now requested further support from the USAID Trade Facilitation Program to assist with the dissemination of new Decree 18 to private sector stakeholders before the date the Decree enters into force i.e., April 25, 2021. The dissemination activity includes two workshops i.e., Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City tentatively proposed to be held in late April 2021.

Methodology: The Program will mobilize a Local/National CCN STTA Customs Duties Expert to provide technical assistance and support to the GDVC to support the dissemination activity of Decree 18 to the private sector stakeholders.

National STTA Customs Duties Expert: In collaboration with the Program’s Senior Trade Facilitation Expert (STFE) and Legal & Regulatory Expert, the Local/National STTA Customs Duties Expert will work closely with Import-Export Duties Department of GDVC and as necessary, consult with other technical departments of GDVC. The National Customs Duties Expert may also be required to cooperate and work in collaboration with other members of the Program team to undertake this activity.

Tasks & Responsibilities:

The Local/National STTA Customs Duties Expertwill be responsible for the following:

  • Review and comment on the Decree 18/2021/ND-CP revising Decree 134/2016/ND-CP;
  • Collaborate with relevant private sector stakeholders before dissemination workshops to discuss and collect details of practical and significant issues and to gather feedback and comments on the Scheme in preparation for implementation of Decree 18 on e-Commerce;
  • Actively participate in dissemination workshops in Hanoi and HCMC in April 2021 so as: to provide technical inputs and to present key findings in preparation for implementation of Decree 18; and to facilitate discussion with private sector stakeholders to support questions and seeking answers related to Decree 18;
  • Follow up with the MOF and GDVC on all pending issues not addressed at the dissemination workshops so as to further inform Private Sector stakeholders;
  • Produce a Final Report containing details of all work carried out and proposals for improved implementation of Decree 18.


  • Research paper(s) containing findings from review of Decree 18, practical and significant issues, and feedback and comments from the Private Sector on the Scheme;
  • Active participation at dissemination workshops to facilitate discussion and making presentations of expert’s findings from review of Decree 18, practical and significant issues, and feedback and comments from the Private Sector on the Scheme;
  • Written report on all pending issues on all pending issues not addressed at the dissemination workshops so as to further inform Private Sector stakeholders;
  • Final Report containing details of all work carried out and suggestions or proposals for improved implementation of Decree 18.


  • Bachelor degree or higher in customs administration, business administration, trade policy, international trade, economics, or similar field;
  • Experience and track record of working or collaborating with Customs in Vietnam;
  • Proven knowledge and understanding of customs and non-customs procedures including import and export duties and other technical customs matters;
  • Awareness of the WCO and WTO instruments such as the Revised Kyoto Convention (RKC) and the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA);
  • Capable in word processing, spreadsheets and office software such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Google Applications;
  • Fluency in Vietnamese and good written, oral, and presentation skills; and
  • English language skills preferred.


The Local/National CCN STTA Customs Duties Expertwill be required to report periodically to the Program’s STFE and on a daily basis to the Legal & Regulatory Expert.



Deliverable to be submitted & approved before payment

Estimated Completion Date


Research paper(s) findings from review of Decree 18, practical and significant issues, and feedback and comments from the Private Sector on the Scheme;

16 April 2021


Active participation at dissemination workshops to facilitate discussion and making presentations of expert’s findings from review of Decree 18, practical and significant issues, and feedback and comments from the Private Sector on the Scheme;

25 April 2021


Written report on all pending issues on all pending issues not addressed at the dissemination workshops so as to further inform Private Sector stakeholders;

30 April 2021


Final Report containing details of all work carried out and suggestions or proposals for improved implementation of Decree 18.

31 May 2021


Applications should be submitted by 12:00 08 Apr to [email protected]

Applications should include:

  • Cover letter (no longer than 1 page)
  • CVs (see attached template);
  • Updated USAID 1420 form (see attached template)
  • Cost proposal (See attached template)

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Thu, 2021-04-08