
National Consultant to provide the technical expertise on developing the Project to implement the National Strategy on prevention and control of antimicrobial resistance in animal health sector in Vietnam

1. Detailed Description of Tasks to be Performed:
The Vietnam Fleming Fund Country Grant—Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance in Vietnam (FFCGVN) addresses critical gaps in the surveillance of antimicrobial- resistant bacteria in Vietnam. We work closely with local entities that are involved in AMR/AMU/AMC surveillance, local and national Technical Working Groups (TWGs), national and regional laboratories for Human Health (HH), Animal Health (AH) and Envinronment Health (EH), other government authorities, national and international non-government stakeholders, and Mott MacDonald – the Fleming Fund Management Agent. The grant supports the Department of Animal Health (DAH) under Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) to develop the Project on raising public awareness, strengthening the National AMR and AMU Surveillance System, and enhancing the AMU management in animal health in 2024 – 2030 period (hereinafter referred to as the Project); this is to implement the National Strategy on prevention and control of antimicrobial resistance in Vietnam in the period 2024-2030, vision to 2045 by the Prime Minister (NAS).
FFCGVN is seeking for a qualified and experienced Vietnamese consultant as a member of a technical consultant team to develop the Project and take responsibles on developing AMR and AMU surveillance in AH sector for period of 2026 – 2030 based on the AMR/U data obtained during last four years of DAH, Sub-departments of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary in provinces, and other relevant agencies/organizations and/or international organizations’ guidelines/recommendations that aligned with objectives of the NAS.
2. Objectives:
Under this scope of work, the Consultant is expected to achieve the following objectives:
  • Reviewing current AMR, AMU data in Vietnam and develop the AMR/U surveillance outlines aligned with the Project outlines approved by DAH;
  • Developing the AMR/U surveillance drafts to be presented to the Team Leader and Technical meetings and wider meetings organized by DAH within/among technical working group (TWG) and relevant stakeholders to give comments;
  • Revising the AMR/U surveillance drafts following comments of DAH, TWG and related stakeholders;
  • Finanlizing the AMR/U surveillance included in the Project drafts and related documents following the regulations (if any) for MARD’s approval.
Note: Additional deliverables and equivalent working days may be included in a contract modification to align with the agreed-upon plan if required. 
3. Scope of work and expected deliverables:
Expected deliverables
Estimated Maximum LOE (days)
Due date
– Discuss with Team Leader and DAH to finalize the workplan to develop the AMR/U surveillance aligned with the Project’s workplan.
– Workplan.
November 28, 2024
– Conduct the desk review for developing the AMR/U surveillance.
– Develop the AMR/U surveillance outline and disscuss with Team Leader, DAH, FHI 360 for finalizing the AMR/U surveillance outline.
– List of relevant documents.
– AMR/U surveillance outline.
December 5, 2024
– Develop the first draft of the AMR/U surveillance, report to the Team Leader and present the draft in technical meetings for comments;
– Summarise the comments of the meetings.
– Have meetings with DAH and FHI 360 (if any)
– The first draft of  the AMR/U surveillance.
– Summarise the comments.
December 31, 2024
– Revise the first draft of the AMR/U surveillance following the comments of the first TWG meeting and presenting the second draft in the second TWG meeting for further comments.
– Summarise the comments of the meeting.
– Have meetings with DAH and FHI 360 (if any)
– Second  draft of the AMR/U surveillance.
– Summarise the comments.
February 20, 2025
– Revising the AMR/U surveillance draft following the comments and finalize the draft before sending out to relevant agencies under MARD for comments.
Third draft of the Project.
April 15, 2025
– Summarise comments of the relevant agencies.
– Revise the AMR/U surveillance draft following comments and discuss with Team Leader, DAH, FHI 360 for finalizing the draft before submitting to MARD for approval.
– Complete other supporting documents to the draft which will be attached as a dossier for submitting to MARD.
– Present the draft and other relevant documents in a TWG meeting to be finalized for approval.
Final draft and relevant documents submitted to MARD.
May 15, 2025
Total (days)
Location of work
Travel is not included.
  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Master or PhD degree on Veterinary subject and at least three years of experience in working with DAH with strong knowledge and expertise in AMC/U/R, antibiotic alternatives.
  • Experience in AMC/U/R in animal sector; understanding well the NAP in animal sector for the period 2017-2020 and the NAP in agriculture sector for the period 2021-2025. Preferable experiences in working on developing or implementing the NAPs.
  • Strong experience on literature reviews, stakeholder consultations, and data analysis related to animal health indicators and targets.
  • Strong analytical and report writing skills.
  • Preferable to published articles related to AMR/U/C, alternatives to antibiotics.
Evaluation Criteria
Applications will be evaluated based on the applicants’ experience and qualifications as detailed above.
Required Documentation
Proposals must include the following components:
  • Applicant’s CV and highest-level degree
  • Letter of interest that briefs relevant qualification and experience
  • Proposed daily rate
  • FHI 360 Biodata form
  • Application to this call should be submitted by email to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] no later than 5PM November 20, 2024 with subject line “FF-Consultant for AH Project and AMR/U surveillance”
  • All prospective vendors must comply with the safeguarding policies of our organization. Any violations of the policies may result in immediate contract termination without liability for the organization.
Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
FHI 360 Disclaimers
    • FHI 360 may perform a background check on any selected candidates
    • FHI 360 may cancel the solicitation and not award
    • FHI 360 may reject any or all responses received
    • Issuance of the solicitation does not constitute an award commitment by FHI 360
    • FHI 360 reserves the right to disqualify any offer based on failure of the offeror to follow solicitation instructions
    • FHI 360 will not compensate any offeror for responding to solicitation
    • FHI 360 reserves the right to issue award based on initial evaluation of offers without further discussion
    • FHI 360 may choose to award only part of the activities in the solicitation, or issue multiple awards based on the solicitation activities
    • FHI 360 reserves the right to waive minor proposal deficiencies that can be corrected prior to award determination to promote competition
    • FHI 360’s supplier terms and conditions can be found here while our consultant terms and conditions can be found here
   Job Details  
FHI 360
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