Open Tender: Implementing Partner for Sustainable Malaria Responses in Vietnam

Open Tender: Implementing Partner for Sustainable Malaria Responses inVietnam

(Phase 1)


The Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA) has beenworking in partnership with the University of California San Francisco (UCSF)’s Malaria Elimination Initiative (MEI) to develop robust strategies across the health system in Vietnamto ensure the sustainability of its malaria elimination goals.

This is an Open Tender for an organization (that must be registered in Vietnam) that can coordinatethe provision of technical capacity to supporton-the-ground implementation of this work in Vietnam. This Phase 1 contract will be for a period of five months from the start of the contract. A separate Phase 2 contract (Option to Extend to be issued at a later date) will be for a period of a year, building on work done in Phase 1.

Release date:

29 March 2022

Deadlineforsubmission of questions:

6 April 2022 (12:00 PM Singapore time)

Closingdatefor submission tender:

25 April 2022 (12:00 PM Singapore time)

Offer period:

Offers to remain open for acceptance by APLMA for three months after submission

Lodgement of Tender:

Responses are to be emailed in PDF to [email protected]
See more details on format and process at


The Asia Pacific Leaders’ Malaria Alliance (APLMA) is a coalition of the Asia Pacific heads of government who have committed to eliminate malaria in the region by 2030. It provides the leadership to accelerate malaria elimination efforts and address the risks posed to malaria elimination in the region. APLMA works in tandem with the Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network (APMEN), an inter-disciplinary platform of 21 national malaria programmes and 50 partner organisations, including malaria research institutes, implementing partners and civil society. APMEN is the technical arm that leads in-country needs assessments, program capacity building, cross-regional knowledge exchange, and building the evidence base. The APLMA-APMEN(AA) joint secretariat is a non-profit organisation registered and located in Singapore. More in formation on APLMA can be obtained at


The past decade has seen a record investment in malaria elimination globally, including in the countries of Southeast Asia.The malaria burden in many countries is low enough to put elimination in sight. In the countries of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), the investments made by the Global Fund through the Regional Artemisinin-resistance Initiative (RAI), in addition to key investments by other donors and by government commitment, have made these advances possible.

Reductions in donor funding before countries are prepared t oassume financial and management responsibility of elimination efforts would cause concern for reaching elimination targets. In GMS countries, domestic funding for malaria programs remains low in comparison to donor funding. A transition planning period of multiple years is needed to fully prepare countries for the transition from donor-funded malaria elimination programs.

In partnership with the University of California San Francisco (UCSF)’s Malaria Elimination Initiative (MEI), APLMA is working with national malaria programs, country stakeholders, and external financing agencies as part of a new grant todevelop malaria donor transition plans for Vietnam, which will be implemented over a multi-year period.

Over the past two years, MEI worked together with the Vietnam National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology (NIMPE) to prepare a transition readiness assessment and budget advocacy strategy that identifies potential risks and opportunities for sustainable malaria programming. The next phase of work will build upon these previously identified areas to develop robust strategies across the health system to ensure sustainability. APLMA will build upon MEI’s Sustainability Model in order to 1) support country planning and action to transition to fully country-financed and managed programs, and 2) strengthen domestic financing for malaria through subnational leadership and advocacy.

Purpose and Objective

APLMA wishes to engage an organization tosupportin-country efforts inVietnamin line with this next phase of work:

  • Work with country stakeholders and malaria programs to develop malaria donor transition plans for Vietnam to be implemented over a multi-year period.
  • Work with NMCPs andother partners to design a capacity building curriculum tailored to specific subnational conditions in Vietnam. The curriculum will strengthen skills necessary to budget and plan for elimination and POR.

Scope of Work

The chosen organization will be responsible for:

  • Malaria budget advocacy:
    • Assess needs and support the design of a capacity building curriculum tailored to specific subnational conditions in Vietnamto strengthen domestic financing for malaria

  • Transition planning:
    • Plan and facilitate workshops to discuss proposed actions among stakeholders, as well as produce outcome documents from the meetings
    • Work with NIMPE and other key ministry representatives to decide which actions will be included in a malaria donor transition plan

  • Government and stakeholder relations:
    • Support outreach to Senior Officials in Vietnam, beyond the Ministry of Health and including Ministry of Finance and other relevant ministries.
    • Coordinate communication between APLMA and NIMPE as well as other malaria partners in Vietnam
  • Financialand administrative management:
    • Ensure documentation and reporting requirements for deliverables, includingregular reports to APLMA
    • Provide administrative support, such as arrangements for field work in selected provinces/districts, including facilitating flight and travel arrangements as needed
    • Financial control of expenditures versus budget, ensuring transparency and good forward planning
    • Preparation of financial reports and acquittal of funds

The grantee will report to APLMA’s SeniorDirector, Government Affairs and Policy. The scope of work and list of activities are subject to revision over time as the program needs develop. Changes will be effective only on mutual agreement between the Grantee and APLMA-APMEN.

Tender Format

The Tender must be in English and be not more than 5 pages long. The following must be included:

  • Tenderer details
    • Legal entity and business name
    • Registered office address and principal place of business
    • Ability to receive foreign funds
    • Tenderer’s contact who is authorised to represent and legally bind the Tenderer (name, address, email, phone)

  • Service Proposal
    • Description of the organization
    • Details of team which will work on this project
    • Narrative on capability and plan to deliver on the Scope of Work
    • Description of any previous or current engagement with the Vietnamesegovernment
    • Description of previous or current work related to sustainable programming,health financing or budget advocacy work in Vietnam
    • Evidence of knowledge, familiarity and engagement in malaria elimination efforts in Vietnam
    • Information on other unique selling points or additional services that would be valuable to the project
  • Price proposal
    Total price and detailed breakdown of expenses

    • Personnel (salaries and fringe benefits)
    • Travel and meetings (airfare, accommodation, meals, local transportation/fuel, meetings)
    • Consulting and professional fees, if any
    • Other direct costs (operation costs, laptop/equipment, others)

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2022-04-25