Project Assistant

Founded in 1985, Cowater International is a leading global development consulting company. Headquartered in Ottawa and with corporate hubs in Auckland, Berlin, Brussels, Helsinki, London, Madrid, Manila, Nairobi, Singapore and Stockholm, Cowater International has successfully delivered a portfolio of over 2500 projects and assignments in more than 95 countries. We work with governments, private sector actors and communities implementing projects that support socio-economic development, institutional strengthening, environmental improvements and advance equal opportunities for all. We are a diverse and experienced team committed to building a better tomorrow for the people we serve. Our adaptive approach to management has led to our yearly award-winning work and recognition as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies since 2017.

GREAT is a flagship initiative of the Australian aid program.  The Program promotes women’s economic empowerment (WEE) in the ethnically diverse north-west region of Vietnam, through the integration of a market systems development (MSD) approach.

The Program is now entering its second phase and GREAT 2 will continue its focus on agriculture and tourism, identifying specific sectors that lend themselves to opportunities for women’s economic empowerment and work with multiple stakeholders to address constraints, generate opportunities, drive market growth and increase productive value of the sector.

The Lao Cai sustainable cinnamon development project is under the framework of GREAT 2 Lao Cai implemented from April 2024 to March 2027. The project’s overall goal is to improve the empowerment, socio-economic status of women in ethnic communities in Lao Cai province.

The project is implemented in 4 districts: Bac Ha, Bao Yen, Bao Thang and Van Ban, Lao Cai province including 3 intervention areas 1) Building capacity on industry coordination and brand development; 2) Expanding sustainable cinnamon raw material areas; 3) Improving supply chain governance.

Lao Cai Forest Protection Department (FPD) is the main partner; Farmer Supporting Center (Under Farmers' Association) is the co-implementing partners.

Cowater International is recruiting a qualified candidate as a Project Assistant to support the FPD in delivering the project results.

Deadline for application: July 19th, 2024.

Job descriptions and application guidelines are available here.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Aus4Equality | GREAT
Lao Cai
Application Deadline: 
Fri, 2024-07-19