
Request for Application RFA-6997-24-24: Promoting Private Sector and Community Participation in Supporting the Implementation and Oversight of the Transparent Environmental Data Disclosure Platform (TEDP)

Winrock International (Winrock) is working closely with the Project Management Unit (PMU) under the Pollution Control Department (PCD) of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) to implement the USAID-funded Reducing Pollution Activity (hereafter referred to as “the Project”), Project Grant Number 72044021CA00002. The Project’s purpose is to support Vietnam in addressing environmental pollution challenges through a series of local initiatives  using a collective impact approach.

To achieve the goal of reducing environmental pollution, alongside implementing specific interventions through collective impact initiatives and supporting the development of policies related to pollution reduction, the Project  supports establishing, sharing, and using environmental data to drive green transformation, aiming for cleaner production and pollution reduction. In Fiscal Year 2024, the Project has partnered with IDH to assist PCD from MONRE in building and operating the Transparent Environmental Data Disclosure Platform (TEDP). The Northern Center for Environmental Monitoring (NCEM) is responsible for TEDP’s development and operation. However, for TEDP to be effectively implemented,  practically integrated, and sustainably maintained, it requires awareness and active participation from stakeholders, especially the private sector and the community oversight role.

On this basis, the project is pleased to announce this Request for Application (RFA) “Promoting Private Sector and Community Participation in Supporting the Implementation and Oversight of the Transparent Environmental Data Disclosure Platform (TEDP).

Deadline for submission of full application is 17 December, 2024.

For the full RFA documentation and how to apply for grant funding, please click HERE.


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Winrock International
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