
REQUEST FOR APPLICATION RFA-6997-24-25: Collective Impact to Reduce Air Pollution from Road Transportation in Hanoi

Winrock International (Winrock) is implementing the USAID Reducing Pollution Project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID in close collaboration with the Department of Environment Pollution Control (PCD) and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), hereafter called “Project”.


The Project, implemented in a five-year (2022-2026), is supporting Vietnam’s efforts to address environmental pollution challenges. To achieve the ultimate goal of reducing environmental pollution in targeted areas, Winrock will facilitate a portfolio of multi-stakeholder collective impact initiatives (CIIs). Each collective impact initiative will be led by a local organization, who will serve as the “backbone organization” to lead a series of connected activities to address a key pollution issue and develop a network of motivated stakeholders from communities, local governments, academic institutions, and private sectors. This network will collaborate to identify solutions to challenges related to plastic waste pollution, air pollution, craft village pollution, and environmental information transparency.


According to the plan, the project will implement six initiatives: two focused on solid waste management and plastic waste reduction, two on air pollution reduction, one on reducing pollution in craft villages, and one on enhancing environmental information transparency. To date, five backbone organizations have been selected to lead five initiatives on plastic waste (two CIIs) and air pollution from open burning, craft villages, environmental information transperancy with one CII for each. In 2025, the project will identify an additional backbone organization to carry out the sixth initiative on reducing air pollution.


Winrock is pleased to announce this Request for Application (RFA) that seeks innovative and creative approaches from eligible Vietnamese non-governmental organizations to develop a collective impact initiative to address the challenge of reducing air pollution from road transportation in Hanoi.


Winrock will hold an online pre-application conference on 10 January 2025 for potential applicants to learn more about the project and this RFA, and to ask questions for clarification.


Deadline for submission of full application is 17 February, 2025.


For the full RFA documentation and how to apply for grant funding, please the following link HERE.


   Job Details  
Winrock International
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