
Request for EOI: FAO Food System Transformation Programme

FAO Reference: FAVIE/EOI/LOA/2024/02

Request for Expression of Interest


 Scope of Services


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), intends to pre-qualify a group of organizations in a timely manner, and potentially solicit proposals from them shortly thereafter.


The services/outputs being sourced are:

  • Develop a guideline on food systems transformation partnerships (FSTP) including ToR and workplan for the FSTP, and a workplan for implementing the National Action Plan of Food System Transformation (NAP-FST)
  • Develop food system transformation (FST) related technical reports: (i) A report on international, regional and national experiences, lessons learned and good practices, conceptual and analytical frameworks relating to FST; (ii)A NAP-FST Development Fund proposal; (iii) A policy brief to improve access to finance and investment and engage producers/businesses in implementing gender-sensitive NAP-FST; (iv) A gender-responsive communications material and policy brief for awareness raising on FST; (v) A proposal for a National Information Center/Repository for sharing gender-responsive knowledge and experiences in FST; Annual M&E Report of FSTP; (vi) A general report on NAP-FST implementation and results; and (vii) FST Stocktaking Report for UNFSS + 4 STM.
  • Develop the seed funding project proposal.


Mandatory minimum requirements

In order to qualify, the organizations intending to participate must meet the following requirements:


  • Not be currently suspended or debarred by FAO, any other UN organization, the EU or the World Bank.
  • Service provider has at least 5 years of experience in providing technical assistance in food system transformation in Vietnam.
  • Service provider is a non-profit organization.


Selection Process


At this stage, FAO is prequalifying organizations potentially suitable for providing the required services. Interested parties that pre-qualify may be requested to submit an offer that will be considered in a combined technical and financial evaluation process, and they should be ready to submit such proposal within a week from FAO’s notice of prequalification.


Procedure for submission of EOI:


 In order to be considered, all replies to or questions about this notice should be submitted as soon as possible uniquely through the following channel of communication:

to FAO in Viet Nam via email ([email protected]) with a title of email: Application for FAO Food System Transformation Programme

Your final reply to this notice should be received no later than 5 PM, 03 January 2024 (Vietnam time)



  • This notice does not constitute a solicitation of a binding offer.
  • Submitting a reply to this notice does not automatically guarantee the receipt of an invitation to submit any follow up solicitation documents.
  • Your expression of interest will only be considered if it contains all of the information and documentation required in the Response Form (parts A, B, C and D).
  • FAO reserves the right to require compliance with additional conditions when issuing additional follow up notices.
  • FAO reserves the right to change or cancel the requirement at any time during the EOI and/or solicitation process, without any obligation to inform the interested organisations of the grounds for FAO’s action.



   Job Details  
Application deadline:
Send application to:
Job Types: