
Request for Service Provider: Disability Inclusion Survey & Training


Better Work Vietnam (BWV) is a program that operates in the garment and footwear industry, where occupational safety and health risks remain significant. BWV supports factories and workers in improving workplace safety, reducing occupational hazards, and actively promoting equality and inclusion—particularly for people with disabilities.

BWV is seeking a service provider to collaborate with its team in conducting a survey on the employment of people with disabilities in the workplace. Based on the findings, the service provider will develop a handbook to help enterprises integrate people with disabilities into their workforce and deliver training sessions for factory representatives on how to apply these materials effectively.

Scope of Work

The selected service provider will work closely with BWV to complete the following tasks:

  • Conduct a survey and interviews with BWV-participating factories to assess the current state of disability inclusion and awareness at the workplace, leading to recommendations for further support services.
  • Develop and print a handbook to raise awareness of disability inclusion among enterprises.
  • Deliver training sessions on disability equality to enhance enterprises’ understanding and implementation of inclusive practices.

For detailed responsibilities and qualifications, please refer to the Terms of Reference 

Submission Guidelines

ILO/Better Work Vietnam invites interested service providers to submit the following Expression of Interest (EoI) documents by 5:00 PM (GMT+7), 14 March 2025:

  1. Expression of Interest outlining how the service provider will fulfill the requested services.
  2. Financial Proposal, including all relevant costs (e.g., professional fees, travel, local transport, taxes) in compliance with the latest UN-EU cost norms.

Contact Information

For submissions and inquiries, please contact [email protected].

Deadline: 5:00 PM (GMT+7), 14 March 2025.


   Job Details  
Better Work Vietnam
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