
RFQ: “Support Song Cau Town to implement the project of solid waste management from aquaculture activities, minimizing marine pollution in Song Cau”

WWF-VIET NAM: REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONS: “Support Song Cau Town to implement the project of solid waste management from aquaculture activities, minimizing marine pollution in Song Cau”

WWF-Viet Nam would like to request quotations from eligible suppliers interested in providing handcarts for garbage disposal in Phu Yen Province. 

Details of the requirements and quote instructions can be found at:  https://vietnam.panda.org/get_involved_vn/jobs_vn/?390239/WWF-Vit-Nam-Mi-chao-gia—Cung-cap-xe-ay-tay-tr-rac-tai-Phu-Yen-FY25-0855

How to apply:

The official quotation including  forms or documents signed and stamped by the enterprise using the email title [FY25-0855-Name of supplier- “Providing handcarts for garbage disposal in Phu Yen Province”] and will be sent by email to the following email addresses: a[email protected], and [email protected]


Deadline for submission of quotations: 5. PM, 21 January 2025.

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