
SME Business Development Service Consultant

Scope of Work 

Development of Action Plan for Transition to Self-Reliance for the Northern Assistance Center for SMEs



  1. Background

Vietnam has taken significant strides towards sustainable economic growth, however, small and growing businesses (SGBs) face numerous challenges in accessing knowledge, capital, and markets. The Improving Private Sector Competitiveness (IPSC) Activity seeks to remove policy, market, and firm-level constraints inhibiting the growth of SGBs, including those owned or led by women and vulnerable populations. The goal is to foster an innovative and dynamic Vietnamese private sector that expands economic opportunities domestically and is able to compete regionally and globally. 

The Activity is made up of four inter-related Objectives: 

  1. Objective 1. Building business management capacity of Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs), including those led by vulnerable populations. 
  2. Objective 2. Improving efficiency and productivity by promoting innovation, technology adoption, and sustainable business models. 
  3. Objective 3. Enhancing business enabling environment for a broad-based inclusive economy. 
  4. Objective 4. Strengthening business-to-business (B2B) and cross-sectoral linkages. 

IPSC is a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) technical assistance project, and the Agency for Enterprise Development (AED) under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) is the project owner. The project is implemented by Deloitte Consulting LLP and runs from 2020 to 2025.  

  1. Summary of Activities

The Northen TAC (NTAC) was established on May 12, 2003, to provide support to SMEs in the northern part of Vietnam. The NTAC is under the management of the Agency for Enterprise Development. Since its establishment, NTAC has conducted a number of programs with fundings from the Government of Vietnam and development partners to support SMEs in the northern area. It has created a network of collaborators of advisors and business support organizations to participate in different programs that support SMEs. Under the direction of the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI), NTAC is mandated to transition to financial self-reliance over time. This activity aims to develop a blueprint for this transition for NTAC.

The transition to self-reliance expects to result in significant changes in the operations of NTAC. While NTAC will remain a state-owned agency, they will need to develop and deliver a suite of services to firms to generate income for themselves. This is a challenge as it will require a new thinking at NTAC to ensure product – market fit and potential gaps on the market where NTAC is well positioned to bridge the gap. At the same time, it is an opportunity for NTAC to raise its performance and income for staff. It will need to work under some constraints for a state-owned agency but needs to serve the market and clients with its suite of services. NTAC and AED requested IPSC to engage two local consultants to conduct a review of the operations of NTAC and develop an action plan for transition to self-reliance.

AED and NTAC requested IPSC to support the development of the action plan in partnership with the staff of NTAC and AED on the transition to financial self-reliance for NTAC. This will involve a careful review of operations, current and future resources, and market opportunities. The IPSC team and NTAC/AED will also need to review the rules and governance of public property and engagement of private sector as partners to use public property during the development and delivery of business development services for SMEs. A successful transition will require NTAC to leverage its resources and affiliation with the Government (being a state agency) and provide needed services to SMEs to generate income for itself.

IPSC is looking for a local consultant team, comprising 03 positions to deliver the following required tasks:

I. Consultant 1: Lead Consultant

Lead consultant will support NTAC in reviewing its performance operations and market opportunities for self-reliance as well as providing a comprehensive of recommendations on the development of suitable services that NTAC can be equipped to offer to the market. The recommendation must include elaborate descriptions for each service, their demand forecast, and their technical descriptions. This consultant shall work closely with another public financial consultant, NTAC, AED and IPSC to perform specific tasks and provide deliverables with the outlined timeframe


Activities /Tasks 

Key Deliverables 

Estimated LOEs

Tentative Due Date/Timeline 


Conduct desk study of the business development services for SMEs and the roles of different stakeholders, BSOs and government direction for the transition to self-reliance for NTAC.

Assist NTAC/AED to organize field works, study tours for researching market needs and services for SMEs.

Develop a preliminary list of services in the agriculture value chain, which will be offered by NTAC within 5 years.

Agree with NTAC/AED and IPSC on an outline of the report and the list of services

Preliminary report outlining the rationale and the list of business development services

15 days

February 28, 2025


Finalize the suite of services for NTAC based on the identified gaps in SME assistance services. The final suite of services should be agreed by NTAC/AED and IPSC.

Develop the technical description of each service including service request information, service delivery description, and service associated costs (labors, materials, and others).

Forecast the demand for listed services within 5 years to develop the revenue forecast for NTAC when offering the services

In collaboration with consultant 2 to develop a comprehensive economic-technical plan, including a clear justification for the established pricing norms, references to relevant regulations, and detailed calculation methodologies used for cost estimations.

Review current and future resources and necessary investment to equip NTAC and its staff so that NTAC can offer these services and generate revenue from it.

Pre-final report with the final suite of services, their rationale, elaborate technical description, and recommendations for NTAC.

10 days

March 31, 2025


Conduct stakeholder consultation and finalize the Report. One or two technical workshops may be organized to consult with different stakeholders from the public and private sector on the draft action plan.

Final report

10 days

April 30, 2025




35 days


Place, Tentative Period of Performance and Estimated Level of Effort  

Level of effort: 35 days during the period from December 2024 – April 2025.

Location:            Hanoi, Vietnam with travel to other provinces if required. 


  • Vietnamese national. 
  • Minimum Master’s degree in business management or extensive experience in business management, e.g., product management and executive positions with a minimum of 10 years of full-time professional experience. 
  • Practical understanding of strategic planning, approach designing, developing action plan and solutions for SME 
  • Practical working experience with related ministries/ agencies in SME promotion and business ecosystem building is a plus
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills, ad public-private partnership development.
  • Strong networking with SMEs and BSOs and relevant stakeholders is an advantage. 
  • Ability to communicate in English with proficiency in both reporting and presenting.

II. Consultant 2: Public Financial Management Consultant

This consultant shall work closely with the Lead Consultant, Research Coordinator, NTAC, AED and IPSC to perform specific tasks and provide deliverables within the timeframe as below:


Activities /Tasks 

Key Deliverables

Estimated LOEs

Tentative Due Date/Timeline 


Perform a comprehensive desk study to analyze all relevant regulations that govern the operations of public service units when offering services to SMEs in exchange for a fee. This study should cover legal frameworks, compliance requirements, and any specific guidelines that outline the permissible scope of services, pricing structures, and financial accountability. The objective is to ensure that the public service unit operates within legal boundaries while effectively supporting SMEs.

Join with the SME BDS Consultant and NTAC/AED in fieldwork, study tours for researching market needs and services for SMEs.

Agree with NTAC/AED and IPSC on an outline of the report.

Preliminary report with the list of relevant regulations and their applications to NTAC’s services

15 days

February 28,  2025


Work closely with the SME BDS Consultant to create a detailed economic-technical plan. This plan should include a thorough justification for the pricing norms, supported by references to applicable regulations, and a transparent breakdown of the methodologies used to calculate costs. The goal is to ensure the pricing structure is both fair and compliant with governing standards.

Develop a robust self-reliance plan by identifying and analyzing regulations relevant to the autonomy of public service units. Ensure that the proposed plan aligns fully with these regulations. Assess NTAC’s organizational structure to determine its readiness for autonomy, and define specific, measurable performance indicators to track and evaluate the success of the self-reliance strategy.

Engage in in-depth interviews and discussions with NTAC/AED, IPSC, and other key stakeholders to refine and enhance the self-reliance plan. This collaborative approach ensures the plan is practical, aligned with stakeholders’ expectations, and tailored to NTAC’s operational context.

Pre-final report with the comprehensive self-reliance plan

10 days

March 31, 2025


Conduct stakeholder consultation and finalize the Report. One or two technical workshops may be organized to consult with different stakeholders from the public and private sector on the draft action plan.

Final report

10 days

April 30, 2025




35 days


Place, Tentative Period of Performance and Estimated Level of Effort  

Level of effort: 35 days during the period from December 2024 – April 2025.

Location:            Hanoi, Vietnam with travel to other provinces if required. 


  • Vietnamese nationality. 
    • Minimum Master’s degree in public financial management, economics or other relevant disciplines with minimum of 5 years of full-time professional experience. 
    • Practical understanding of Vietnam’s public financial management, governance and practices. 
    • Practical working experience with related ministries/ agencies  in SME promotion and business ecosystem building is a plus
  • At least 10 years of working experience in public financial management in Vietnam.
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills, ad public-private partnership development.
  • Strong networking with public financial institutions and relevant stakeholders is an advantage. 
  • Ability to communicate in English and proficiency in reporting and presenting.

III. Consultant 3: Research Coordinator

The Research Coordinator will be responsible for providing logistical and coordination support, which includes organizing meetings and fieldwork, assisting with data collection and document gathering, and offering logistical and administrative assistance to NTAC, AED, and the two consultants mentioned above.



Activities /Tasks 

Key Deliverables 

Estimated LOEs

Tentative Due Date/Timeline 


In collaboration with SME BDS Consultant and NTAC/AED to organize field works, study tours for researching market needs and services for SMEs.

Conduct comprehensive research and analysis to identify services that can assist small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the agriculture and food supply chain. The goal is to pinpoint services that enhance the value of their products, such as improved processing methods, branding strategies, or market access solutions.

Work closely with NTAC, AED, IPSC, and the SME BDS consultant to:

–        Finalize an outline for the report that documents the desk study findings on value-added services.

Agree on the final list of TA packages to be developed and offered to SMEs. This step ensures alignment with the stakeholders’ objectives and priorities.

Preliminary report outlining the rationale and the list of value-added services for SMEs in the agriculture and food supply chain. Activity plans, meeting notes and reports to AED/NTAC.


10 days

February 28, 2025


Collaborate with representative SMEs from various segments of the agriculture and food supply chain—such as input suppliers, crop producers, processors, and exporters—to design value-added service packages tailored to their unique needs. This approach ensures the services address real-world challenges faced by SMEs and are customized to support the specific operational, marketing, and production requirements of each segment within the supply chain.

Work alongside other consultants and NTAC/AED to facilitate interviews and discussions with NTAC/AED representatives, IPSC, and other relevant stakeholders. These sessions aim to refine and enhance the self-reliance plan, ensuring it is comprehensive, practical, and aligned with both stakeholder expectations and regulatory frameworks. The collaborative process ensures a well-rounded and actionable plan tailored to NTAC’s mission and objectives.

Activity plans, meeting notes and reports to AED/NTAC.

10 days

March 31, 2025


Assist NTAC to conduct stakeholder consultation, technical workshops to consult with different stakeholders from the public and private sector on the draft action plan.

Activity plans, meeting notes and reports to AED/NTAC.

5 days

April 30, 2025




25 days


Place, Tentative Period of Performance and Estimated Level of Effort  

Level of effort: 25 days during the period from December 2024 – April 2025.

Location:            Hanoi, Vietnam with travel to other provinces if required. 


  • Vietnamese nationality.
    • Minimum bachelor’s degree in economics or other relevant disciplines with a minimum of 5 years of full-time professional experience. 
  • Excellent communication, organizing events, and working with business support organizations.
  • Ability to communicate in English and proficiency in reporting and presenting.

If travel is required, IPSC will cover related costs following IPSC’s regulations. 

Mode of application:

Applicants are encouraged to apply in a team by submitting a CV package, including three English CVs—one for each position—to [email protected].

Subject line: Consultant Team to Develop an Action Plan for transitioning the Northern Assistance Center for SMEs (NTAC) to Self- Reliance

Due to the volume of applications, only short-listed team will be contacted.

  • The application deadline is 5:30 PM on Sunday, Dec 8, 2024, Hanoi time.


USAID Improving Private Sector Competitiveness Key Concepts and Definitions 

  • Small and Growing Business (SGB): An organization/economic unit of Vietnam, including enterprises, under the provisions of the Law on Enterprises, cooperatives operating under the provisions of the Law on Cooperatives, and business households registered in accordance with Vietnamese law, which employs no more than 500 full-time employees, has growth potential but lacks the resources of knowledge, finance, human resources, and technology to realize its goals and growth potential.   
  • Pioneering SGBs or Pioneering Enterprises (PEs): A growing Vietnamese enterprise with Vietnamese-branded products, good competitiveness, the ability to lead and expand in the industry, sector, and locality, good management capacity and willingness to innovate and produce products with high added value, with the vision/objective to build a Vietnamese brand in the international market. 
  • Business Development Service Provider (BDSP): Agencies, organizations and enterprises in both the public and private sectors with functions, duties/business lines providing non-financial services to support enterprises to improve operational efficiency and business development. 
  • Business Support Organization (BSO): An organization with the function and mission to connect and support business development, often including business associations/clubs, industries, etc. 
   Job Details  
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