
Technical assistance for NTP production support projects in Son La province from 2024 to 2027


Technical assistance for NTP production support projects in Son La province from 2024 to 2027

Click HERE for the terms of reference in Vietnamese



With more than 35 years of experience, Cowater International is Canada’s global leader in management consulting services specialising in international development. We have managed the implementation of over 2500 projects in more than 95 countries around the globe for clients such as FCDO UK, DFAT Australia, the European Union, the World Bank and Global Affairs Canada. We work with governments, partner organisations, communities and civil society to design and implement sustainable solutions that generate lasting social, economic and environmental impacts.



GREAT is a flagship initiative of the Australian aid program.  The Program promotes women’s economic empowerment (WEE) in the ethnically diverse north-west region of Vietnam, through the integration of a market systems development (MSD) approach.

GREAT, under its second phase, is supporting Son La Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) to implement the project namely “Technical assistance for the implementation of production development support policies under the National Target Program in Son La province from 2024 to 2027” that aims to achieve the objective “Policies on PS under the NTPs for the period 2026 – 2030 in the province are designed on the results of implementing PS projects according to market-based value chains, gender inclusive and responsive”

The project consists of 3 components:

Component 1: Technical assistance for the DARD Son La and relevant stakeholders to implement production support projects based on market principles, gender inclusive and responsive.

Component 2: Technical support for DARD to advise and develop policies on PS according to market-based value chains, gender inclusive and responsive.

Component 3: Capacity building for the Center for Agricultural Services and the District Agriculture Office in the formulation and evaluation of PS project proposals based on market principles, gender inclusive and responsive



Son La DARD and its line agencies are tasked with leading the advisory role for the PPC drafting regulations and guidelines, as well as deploying, monitoring, and evaluating PS projects under National Target Programs (NTPs). DARD is also in charge of guiding enterprises and districts on designing projects, business and production plans and proposal selection. However, advisory opinions on policies predominantly rely on the practical experience of staff and advisory agencies, rather than being informed by comprehensive surveys or in-depth consultations with localities, as well as monitoring and evaluation of projects.

Public service units under DARD including the Agricultural Extension Centre, Planting and Plant Protection Sub-Department, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Quality Assurance Sub-department, and the New Rural Coordination Office allocated state budget from NTPs to directly implement several pilot projects. But lack of experience in executing sustainable production support projects along the value chain become a big barrier for their full participation on design proposal and project implementation process. The lack of experience in executing sustainable PS projects along the value chain become a big barrier for full participation on design proposal and project implementation process.

Amongst the others, Son La DARD and its line agencies have been implementing 03 value chain projects, focusing on coffee (in Thuan Chau), golden passion fruit (in Quynh Nhai and Phu Yen) and sugar cane (in Mai Son).

GREAT 2 is seeking qualified consultancy to provide technical support to DARD Son La to implement component 1 and 3. The consultant team will work closely with DARD assigned staff and GREAT Agriculture Portfolio Manager to achieve the following results.


For component 1: Technical assistance to DARD and its line agencies to implement 3 market-based inclusive and gender responsive value chain projects.

Deliverables/Expected Results:

  • 03 summarised market analysis reports on organic coffee, golden passion fruit and sugar cane (or alternative crop);
  • 03 improved feasible business plans, which are inclusive and gender responsive that grasp market opportunities and address identified issues faced based market analysis;
  • Selected provincial staff have knowledge and skills to provide relevant services to farmers and 3 lead businesses to implement their business plans. Relevant agencies and decision-making bodies in Son La province are informed of implementation results of the model, including successful lessons, best practices, and recommendations for appraising and supporting value chain-based production support at the local context.


  1. Conduct rapid market analysis

The service provider will conduct rapid market analysis on organic coffee, golden passion fruit and sugar cane, covering at least market opportunities as well as any critical constraints to inclusive sector development around the core VC – including supporting services/functions, policy environment and any social norms/issues impacting producers). The scope of the analysis should fall under the current or potential business scope of the lead companies involved in the PS projects.

  1. Develop business and production plans for lead companies and respective coaching plans

Based on the findings from the market analysis, the service provider, in close consultation with, or together with lead companies will develop practical business plans that consist of at least targets, strategies, actions, timeframe, stakeholders involved and the cash flow. Besides, the plans must consider gender and People with disability inclusion.

Together with the plans, the service provider will prepare a detailed coaching plan to support the lead companies and DARD in order to achieve the targets set.

  1. Steer and advise selected staff to manage 3 value chains to mobilise and provide relevant support and services to farmers and lead businesses in order to implement their business plans effectively.
  2. Organize learning and dissemination workshops.


For component 3: Technical support for DARD to advise and develop policies on PS according to market-based value chains, gender inclusive and responsive.

Deliverables/Expected Outcomes:

  • At least 30 staff of the selected Center for Agricultural Services, District Agriculture Office are trained on developing and evaluating value chain proposals applying market-based principles, inclusiveness and gender mainstreaming.
  • At least 30 staff of selected Center for Agricultural Services and District Agriculture Office understand and key information in the market analysis to select potential sectors in the districts, assess the feasibility of submitted business plans and identify areas that require their support
  • At least 30 enterprises and cooperatives involved in NTP Production support are trained on basic skills to collect market information and develop business plans.


  1. Organize training workshops for selected Center for Agricultural Services and District Agriculture Offices, on developing and evaluating value chain proposals applying market-based principles, inclusiveness and gender mainstreaming.
  2. Organize training for the selected Center for Agricultural Services and District Agriculture Office on how to appraise a market analysis.
  3. Train the enterprises and cooperatives projects on collecting market information and business plan.

Timeline: the technical support service will start in Mid-February 2025 till February 2027.



Firms, consortia or institutions are welcome to apply. Key personnel should meet the following scope of expertise:


  • Degree/master’s degree in agriculture, economics, business management or other relevant fields.

Minimum experience:

  • A minimum 7-year relevant work experience in providing technical assistance in designing and implementing agricultural value chain projects
  • Practical experience in supporting the development of inclusive value chain in mountainous areas, preferably on coffee, sugar cane and passion fruit;
  • Experience in conducting rapid market analysis
  • Familiar with production support policy in the National Target Program is an advantage.

Essential skills:

  • Ability to produce rapid, quality market analysis;
  • Critical thinking skills and conceptualization;
  • Excellent coaching skills for government and private sector.


  • Experienced in advocacy with provincial DARD is an advantage


The assignment is expected to commence in February 2025 and complete by February 2027.


Interested service providers should submit a proposal that includes:

Firm Information:  Name, address and firm contact, summary of firm/business expertise and credentials with relevant tasks in the ToR

A technical proposal: A framework with detailed approach/methodology, activities and specific output(s), and time frame; and,

A detailed budget proposal: A breakdown budget for technical support cost for each activity stated in the technical proposal.


Further enquiries about this assignment can be made in writing, to [email protected] no later than 10th January 2025.

Interested service providers are invited to send application in VIETNAMESE to [email protected] no later than 5 pm Hanoi time Monday 20th January 2025. Please indicate in the subject “Proposal_TA for NTP Projects”.

Cowater International is an equal opportunity employer, basing employment on merit and qualifications as they relate to professional experience and position expectations. Cowater does not discriminate against any employee or applicant on the basis of race, religion, sex, gender identity, disability, age, or any other basis protected by law.

   Job Details  
GREAT Program
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